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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Thomas Sowell: A Birthday Appreciation
Scaring the Public on Climate Change
One Supreme Court Justice Can Run the Whole Country
Should We Get Rid of the Mortgage Interest Deduction?
If Student Loans Might Be Canceled, Why Not Borrow More?
Sanders’ Seductive Scholastic Socialistic Syllogisms
Wind Power Sources Remain More Fantasy than Reality
A State’s Sovereignty Trumps Double Jeopardy
Donald Trump Takes a Big Step toward Personal and Portable Health Insurance
Hong Kong Protesters vs. China’s Leaders—We Can’t Be Naive about Beijing’s Next Move
Is Harvard an Embarrassment? Part II: Kyle Kashuv and David Hogg
The Growth in Tuition Insurance
New Study Admits Even Modest Carbon Tax Would Hurt the Next Two Generations
A Parade of Imperial Presidencies
In Defense of Blowouts: People Respond to Incentives, Even on the Soccer Field
The Most Important Health Reform of All
California’s High-Speed Rail Is the Very Definition of a Boondoggle
Joe Biden Needs a Lesson on China
Decline of the M.B.A., Fall of the Humanities: What’s Left?
Forget Paris: On the Second Anniversary of Trump’s Pullout
Taxpayers Shouldn’t Get Stuck with a $1.5 Trillion Loan Default Tab
Why the Left Doesn’t Understand Health Care
Newsom Ignores Real Problem Facing State’s Teachers: Living in California
Markets Can Handle Climate Change
Are Universities Increasingly Liars and Con Artists?

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