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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Why Not Try Free Market Health Care?
Clarence Thomas’s Supreme Court Confirmation, 28 Years Later
Why Do We Have Business or Education Schools in Universities?
The Right Move Done the Wrong Way
The Fed’s Mandate Is Up to Congress and the President
Will the Courts Rein in Collegiate Race/Gender Pandering?
Trump Should Heed History and End His Trade Wars
Do University Stores Rip Off Students?
Democrats Issue Ominous Warning to Supreme Court
A ‘Silver Bullet’ for the World’s Problems? Check This One Out
Admissions Lawsuit: Harvard’s Ahead, but It’s Not Over
How Did We Come to Have a Rogue Presidency?
Why Are There So Many Marginally Employed PhDs in English?
Could Our Next President Be a Libertarian?
The New Campus Housing Bubble
IPCC Lead Author’s Research Uncertain About UN Climate Goal
California State University System’s Math Problem
Three Charts Showing Just How Boxed-in the Fed Is
Don’t Sweat the Saudi Oil Disruption
China’s Crackdown on Think Tank Illustrates Importance of Hong Kong Protests
College Sports: Students Be Damned
The Second Amendment Helped Feinstein Make It out of San Francisco Alive—But Don’t Tell City Supervisors
Prospects for Federal Higher Education Reform? Little in Short Run
How To Help the Poor Without Subsidizing the Rich
Why is the ‘Cost of Living’ in Cities So High?

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