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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Dumb Ideas Drove CNN’s Detroit Debates
A Health Plan for President Trump
Coding Academies and the Future of Higher Education
“Planting Trees” Disrupts the Carbon Tax Narrative
Looking for a Booze-Fueled Tour of the Unfree World? Try ‘Socialism Sucks’
Many Millennial ‘Socialists’ Aren’t Socialists
How a Misstep Can Shape the Supreme Court
University of Alaska Brouhaha: The Governor Has a Point
(Industrial) Enlightenment Now! A Birthday Appreciation of Joel Mokyr
California Wants to Teach Your Kids that Capitalism Is Racist
Under Venezuelan Socialism, There Is No Beer. (And No Democracy.)
Replace the Cadillac Plan Tax, Don’t Repeal It
Bernie’s Labor Pains: Three Takeaways
Plastic Bans Are Symbolism Over Substance
Universities as Rip-Offs: The Costly and Inefficient Edifice Complex
How to Reduce Europe’s Dependence on Russian Energy
Don’t Feel Bad About Using the Self Checkout
The Past Is a Nice Place to Visit. You Wouldn’t Want to Live There.
Trump Rolls the Dice on Sanctions and Wins...War?
In a United Nations Report, a Socialist Details Venezuela’s Horrors
Was There Value in the Space Race?
The Capitalist Achievement of Recorded Music
How Trump Is Reforming Medicare, Part II
Would You Buy a Used Car from a College President?
Should We Cap Credit Card Interest Rates at 15%?

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