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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Homeless and Clueless in Oakland and Elsewhere in America
Why BBB Would Be Hazardous to Your Health
It’s Time for the Fed to Go Old School
No fancy stuff. Raise rates via open-market operations that reduce the size of the balance sheet.
Please—Stop the Coup Porn
Can the Federal Student Loan Program Be Reformed?
China’s Internal Weakness
America Needs a Rebirth of Science
The nation’s experience during Covid has revealed that the scientific community is not giving Americans what they need, what they deserve, and what they pay for. We must do better.
Why Would Hispanics Drop the Left?
The bill for the arrogance and incompetence displayed by leftist elites is now coming due.
The Fickle ‘Science’ of Lockdowns
Experts foresaw before Covid that the strategy would fail. The authorities embraced it anyway.
Great Americans Gone in 2021
But not forgotten.
Pillage People and the Pandemic
Why Is the Left Worried Suddenly About the End of Democracy?
They are fearful and angry not because democracy does not work, but because it does despite their own media and political efforts to warp it.
Emmet Domain
Judge Emmet Sullivan, persecutor of General Michael Flynn, now railroads the January 6 defendants.
A Biden Plan for Prices? No Thanks
The Build Back Better plan would make things worse by injecting trillions of dollars into the economy.
Improving Access or Lowering Standards? Abolishing the SAT
From Prague to Washington
One coup succeeded, the other is still in progress
Cracked Icons
The corrupt and mediocre heroes of the Left are imploding.
Nirvana Economics: How Treating the Real World Like an Imaginary Ideal World Leads to Trouble
C’mon, Man! Lessons from the National Football League
Global Posture Review Makes Only Minor Changes to American Hegemony
The Global Posture Review is another reminder that Congress must reclaim its war powers.
Price Controls on Drugs Would Save Lives, but Also Take Them
From Galveston to Wuhan
What did the Fauci-funded lab know about the origin of the COVID-19 virus, and when did they know it?
Woke Got What It Wanted—and Then What?
Of the collapse of the woke appeal, perhaps we could say, “It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of zealots.”
On Abortion, Courts Should Follow the Science
Consider the empirical evidence of pre-borns’ humanity.
The Omicron Variant Is Another Excuse for Government Meddling

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  • Beyond Homeless