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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Making Colleges Work Again
Lessons from Adam Smith
How the States Can Reform Health Care
President Fauci Rules
Joe Biden confirms white coat supremacy in America.
California’s Golden Opportunities for Criminals
The Golden State incentivizes destruction and death by giving criminals strong legal incentives to practice their trade.
Naughty College Administrators Go to Jail in Pennsylvania
Having More Empathy for Potential Adversaries Is Not Weakness, It’s Smart
Third Worldizing America
Our elites, like the Third World rich, have mastered ignoring—and navigating around—the misery of others in their midst.
What Is Systemic Racism?
Kamala’s Proportions
University of Florida: From Football School to Academic Powerhouse
Learning from Communists and Their Victims
The lesson of Lenin scholar Saule Omarova.
A Tale of Two Cities: Kenosha vs. Waukesha
The media’s blatant lies amount to racial arson.
Losing Confidence in the Pillars of Our Civilization
Conservatives now have lost their former traditional confidence in many of the pillars of our civilization. And with good reason.
When Kyle Met Joey
The verdict on White House supremacist Joe Biden.
California Needs a New Approach on Homelessness
D.C. Conformity Vs. Institutional Diversity: College Of The Ozarks
A Space Treaty to Stop the Sky From Falling
Debris in orbit poses dangers to human life and well-being.
Can the FBI Be Salvaged?
For its own moral and practical survival, the FBI should be moved far away from the political and media tentacles that have so deeply squeezed and corrupted it.
The New Blue Confederacy
How did the New North become the Old South, and the New South the Old North?
The Roots of Inflation Go Far Beyond the Supply Chain
’Tis the Season to Be Fearful?
The white coat supremacists cast their holiday spell.
The Federal Reserve Needs to Remove Its Blinkers
A monetary mistake based on an outdated paradigm could trigger a recession or even worse inflation.
A Declining Industry? The Growing Financial Risks of Attending College
Can the United States Ever Get Foreign Policy Right?
Biden—having long drunk the Kool-Aid that U.S. alliances “won the Cold War” and should continue as they are in perpetuity—is seemingly taking risky moves that could result in war with the nuclear powers of China and Russia.
Liberal Myths

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