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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Why It’s Time to End College Accreditation
Banning Flavored Tobacco and Vaping Products Does More Harm Than Good
It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not Better
Roma, a Movie for Today’s Zeitgeist
School Choice—We Should Support More Educational Opportunities for All Students
ANWR Will Assure US Oil Production Dominance
Trump’s New Vision for Health Care
Is Sanity Breaking out in Washington—A Bipartisan Fix to FAFSA Complexity?
Cuba, 60 Years On—Misery Is Communism’s Only Real Legacy
Trump’s Push To Leave NATO May Help Putin, but It Will Help Americans More
Coastal Domination of Elite Higher Education and Progressive Politics: Are They Related?
Trump’s Tyrannical Bluster about Declaring a State of Emergency
50 Years after Racialized UCLA Gunfight, Diversity Derangement Prevails
In Memoriam: Harold Demsetz, 1930-2019
Flaws With a “Green New Deal,” Part 1 of 2
Patent Battle: Washington U. in St. Louis 32, University of Wisconsin 0
The Left’s Shaky Logic on the Constitutionality of Obamacare
In Memoriam: Robert H. Nelson, 1944-2018
The New Title IX Regulation Helps Women
Will Democrats Pack the Supreme Court? It’s Possible
Are University Presidents Paid Too Little or Too Much?
Viva La Revolucion? Not So Much
What Does Bussing Your Own Restaurant Table Show about Minimum Wages?
Are Universities Ruining Students? These Authors Say ‘Yes’
The President Isn’t Too Important to be Indicted

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