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en Espanol Commentary Articles

I-VAWA’S Global Lie
Religious Freedom—Lead by Example
Do We Deserve the Constitution of 2014?
The Baby Boom Is Great at Politics
Stop the Surveillance State
Don’t Abandon Coal After Elk River
The Quest for a New Land of the Free
Permanent War vs. Peace
Intelligence Chief’s Histrionics Hide Downgrade in Terrorist Threat
The End of Berlusconi?
The Stealth Carbon Tax
Diplomatic Insecurity, a Barometer of Policy Failure
Social Security Shock Coming?
Make Employer-Based Insurance Taxable? Surprisingly, the Right Solution
Unlike Obamacare, This Reform Would Benefit Most Americans.
A Simple Alternative to the Obamacare Mandate
Congress Slouches Toward Illegitimacy
Colorado and Washington Blazed a Marijuana Legalization Trail: Should Others Follow?
Medicare’s Doc Fix Insanity
Obamacare Chaos Threatens Health As Well As Insurance
Why Obama Cares More About the Feelings of Foreign Leaders than Safeguarding Americans’ Constitutional Rights
The ObamaCare Carnival of Perverse Incentives
Cities With Unfunded Health-Care Commitments Are Getting Ready to Dump Their Retirees On the State Exchanges.
The Inventor of the Global Warming Hockey Stick Doubles Down
Duck Dynasty and the Secular Theocracy
Federal Government Has Declared War on Work
Are Our Unemployment Statistics Broken?

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless