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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Bangladesh’s Factory Collapse: A One-Year Retrospective
United States Accelerates a Counterproductive Drone War in Yemen
Common Core English and Math Standards Not Properly Validated
Some Validation Committee members refused to attest that the standards are comparable to those in the world’s highest-performing countries
Flaws in the Senate GOP’s Obamacare Replacement
Lowering the Bar
The Joke’s on Them: High-Ranked States in ‘Rich States, Poor States’ Perform Better
Antiquated Law Adds Billions to Fuel Costs
Hollande’s Very Public Private Life
Affording Tesla the Freedom to Fail
The Economic Abomination of Accredited Investors
Russia in Crimea—Not ‘Munich 1938’ Yet Again
Don’t Reform the Tax Code on the Backs of Over-Taxed Energy Producers
Turning the Ukrainian Crisis Into the IMF’s Gain
Along came a nice crisis for the Obama administration to exploit on behalf of the International Monetary Fund.
Russia Has a National Strategy that Matches the Times—Why Doesn’t the U.S.?
Dietary Committee’s Unpalatable Agenda
A Vast Land Grab to Grouse About
Why Is Obamacare a Rube Goldberg Contraption?
Congress Believes: Spy on Thee, but Not Me
The Coming Paradigm Shift on Climate
A Currency Board for Ukraine
If the hryvnia succumbs to panic and meltdown, the opening for freedom may be squandered.
A Costly Failed Experiment
Lawlessness, Small and Large
U.S. Security Agencies Are Out of Control
The Evolution of President Obama’s Spending Proposals
The Kerry Climate Capers

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