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en Espanol Commentary Articles

The KGB’s Successors and the ‘Greening’ of Europe
The Power of the Powerless
Mechanisms of ‘Correcting’ Violence
The VA’s Unprecedented Attack On Whistleblowers
ObamaCare Is Costing A Lot More Than You Think
World War I, Rather Than World War II, Is Key for U.S. Foreign Policy
How Much Should Your Health Insurer Know About Your Health?
World Cup Exposes Brazil’s Broken and Corrupt Economic Model
Another Financial Meltdown on the Horizon?
Let the Ex-Im Bank Fail
A Federal Schizophrenia about Marijuana
As Bad as Obamacare Is, Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act Was Worse
Dick Cheney’s Outrageous Statements
How to Replace Obamacare
Water: The Price Is Wrong
No More U.S. Intervention in Iraq
Can Obamacare Be Fixed?
Is Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag a Political Pawn?
Do You Really Want to Be Correct?
Central Planning Failure and the Great Recession
Do Republicans Have an Alternative to Obamacare?
Redistribution Is Theft
Venezuela: The Protesters’ Power Is Rising
Worst Effect of U.S. Afghan War
The VA Scandal Shows the Problem with Government-Run Healthcare

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