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en Espanol Commentary Articles

The Second Amendment Had Nothing to Do with Slavery
Time for a History Lesson about Gun Control
Answering the Call to End Poverty
Why Are Universities in the Housing Business?
Proposition 13 Is Still a Poor Scapegoat for Poor Government
Although Trump Lost the Summit to Kim Jong-un, Holding It Still Might Have Been for the Best
Privatizing Free Tuition Will Help Relieve Our Nation’s Fiscal Overreach
Medgar Evers’s Civil Rights Mentor: T.R.M. Howard
New Frontiers for Patient Power
Not All University Presidents Are Risk-Averse and Boring
California Governor Jerry Brown’s Born-Again Statism
Pope Francis Meets with Oil Execs
To Solve North Korea, Look Beyond It
Needed: Drastic Reform (Elimination?) of Accreditation
The States Could Reform Obamacare If Only We Would Let Them
Congress Is Facing Yet Another Bad Farm Bill
An Abuse of Federal Grant Monies: ‘Start By Believing’ Violates Constitutional Rights to Due Process
The Teachers Unions’ Big Miscalculation
Appeals Court Demands ALRB Count Ballots from Workers’ 2013 Vote to Decertify UFW
Weighted Voting Not a Cure for Democracy
Grand Theft, Housing, and Owners Who Can’t Vote with Their Feet
The Right Response to Trump’s Tough Trade Talk? Ignore It.
Developing Countries Lead in Education Innovation
As We Await the Janus Decision, Catholics Should Re-Examine Support for Unions
Venezuela’s Road to Serfdom

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