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en Espanol Commentary Articles

The Pentagon Budget
Memorandum To: Senators-elect Ron Johnson (Wisconsin), Mike Lee (Utah), Rand Paul (Kentucky), Marco Rubio (Florida), and Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania)
Why I Opted Out
New START Is Worthy, but Let’s Not Violate the Constitution to Save It
The Return of Stagflation
Shovel-Ready Stimulus Sightings
Economics Versus the TSA
What Is At Stake on Opt-Out Day?
Ortega’s Google Army
Government Sexual Molestation in Airports Is ‘Over the Top’
Currency Chaos: Where Do We Go From Here?
‘The most important initiative you could take to improve the world economy would be to stabilize the dollar-euro rate.’
New Letter to the Deficit Commission on the U.S. Defense Budget
The Global Warming Court Battle
How EPA Could Destroy 7.3 Million Jobs
Stealth Protectionism
Can W. Reinvent His Presidency?
Climate Alarmism at The New York Times
TSA: Theater Security Administration
High Alert Schizophrenia
Ted Sorensen’s Death Should Cause Reflection
They Do Things Differently in America
The Meaning of Liu Xiaobo
Expand the Role of the Citizen-Soldier Without a Draft
How Many More Trillion$ For Defense?
Continued Foibles in Iraq and Afghanistan
The Chilean Way

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