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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Taking Bush’s Preventive War Doctrine Underground (Sort Of)
The Gaza Ghetto
Obama: Not as Honest as FDR
Even the Roosevelt administration knew make-work jobs don’t count
Capitalism: Hollywood’s Miscast Villain
Why the film industry is so good at getting business wrong
Israeli Attack May Have a Silver Lining
Postcard from Hebron
Producing Jobs: Thoughts on Obama’s Plan for Small Businesses
Are Welfare State Orphans in Good Hands?
R. C. Hoiles and Public Schooling
Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor
Immigration as Mutually Beneficial Humanitarianism
The Recovery Starts With Sound Money
The willingness to work for the sake of future prosperity is a universal human quality, but people must believe there is a link between effort and reward.
Gates, Congress and Obama: Mutually Assured Debacle
Intelligence Reform Is a Failure
Immigration, The Right Against the Right
Is Recycling Worth It?
Defending Everything Is Defending Nothing
Is Colombia Going Cuckoo?
A Penny Saved is a Dollar Spent on Defense
Don’t Roll Out the Red Carpet for Afghanistan
Inmates Buck Trend of National Obesity Crisis
Science Subpoenaed
Feting a Fetid War
Is David Cameron the New Mr. Conservative?
Crony Capitalism Is NOT Capitalism
Steve Poizner Learns from Teaching in a San Jose High School

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