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en Espanol Commentary Articles

In Defense of “Deadbeat” Dads
Pseudo-Tort Alert!
What Color Is the Wolf Today?
Elections Are a Lousy Way to Run a Country
The Revolution of 1800 and the USA PATRIOT Act
An Iraqi Education
9/11 Report Omits Key Player—Foreign Policy
No Panic Over School Child Abuse
Oops, They Invaded the Wrong Country?
Senate Intelligence Committee Lets the Bush Administration Off the Hook on Iraq
The Veto-Less Bush Will Make History
Only Distributors Reap Harvest of Wine Shipping Ban
Morning in Iraq?
The American Revolution and Iraq
Jackpot Justice, the Wal-Mart Case
“Fahrenheit 9/11” or “Farce and Hype 7-11”
The Decline of Affirmative Action
Bush Continues the “Big Lie” in the Face of Mountains of Contrary Evidence
After June 30: Courting Disaster in Iraq
Honor Reagan’s Promise and Abolish the Selective Service
America’s Last Chance: Congressional Oversight and “Torture-gate”
Mourn Reagan’s Death but also His Legacy
Tenet Now, Rummy and Wolfie Soon
Courting Disaster: Bush’s Real Strategy in Iraq
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