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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Rumsfeld’s Muddy Quagmire
Failure after Falluja?
The Pilgrims’ Real Thanksgiving Lesson
The Victims of ‘Victimhood’
U.S. Policy Harms Prospects for Middle East Peace
Inclusionary Zoning Makes Housing Less Affordable
Politics and the CIA
Empires as Ages of Religious Ignorance
George W. Bush’s Crusade and American Fundamentalism
Rolling Back Drug War Crime
Fear for the Future of the Republic
Bush’s Electoral Prospects Get a Little Help from Overseas
American Exceptionalism
Bush’s Iraq War: An Offer You Would Have Refused
Private Prisons Have Public Benefits
A Draft or Merely Hot Air?
Low-Skilled Workers Lose with Higher Minimum Wage
Vaccine Shortage Leads To The FDA’s Doorstep
Kyoto Is Unfair to U.S.
Holding Up a Mirror to the Face of U.S. “Exceptionalism”
The Three Stooges in Iraq, and the U.S.’s First Stooge
Protecting America or the President’s Reelection Chances?
Two Gaming Propositions Are Losing Bets
Benefits and Costs of the U.S. Government’s War Making
Individual Rights vs. Identity Politics
War Lies Are Piling Up

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