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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Malthus Reversed: The Birth Dearth and Our Future
The new threat to human well-being is a shrinking population, not a growing one.
20th Century Ideology, Modern Mixed Economies
Slavery Revisited: Time on the Cross at 50
‘Misinformation’ Is the Censors’ Excuse
They kneecap free-speech advocates by portraying them as defenders of lies.
Uncivic Education
Many of those who know little or nothing about the seemingly relevant facts, nevertheless have opinions, sometimes even strong opinions, about public matters.
Criticizing the Israeli Government’s Incompetence Is Not Antisemitic
The current Israeli strategy will result in an Iraq-style counterinsurgency quagmire.
A Red Flag for Kamala Harris
Vice President Harris has trouble distinguishing mass shooters from their victims.
DeSantis Homeless Policy Is the Opposite of California’s ... and That’s Good
Trump’s Tariff Talk Proves Bad Economics Can Be Good Politics
Saudi Arabia Goes for Transformative Hat Trick
Major update in every sense except political one
Strikes Against the Houthis Need Congressional Approval
If Congress cannot reassert its constitutional duty to approve U.S. military actions now, will it ever?
California’s ‘Paneragate’ Shows How Lobbyists Are Now Crafting Laws
Fauci and His Minions Are Still in Control
The time has come to hold Dr. Fauci and his cronies accountable for damages from the Covid pandemic.
Too Much: Three First World Problems
The Real March Madness
The First Amendment is Under Attack in America’s Oceania
How to Reform Social Security—Part II
Obamacare Insurance—Ten Years On
Why Labor Unions Won’t Save Higher Education
It operates in a different labor environment.
Crime and Punishment, California Style
Gavin Newsom is soft on crime, but so were Govs. Jerry Brown and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Covid Lessons Learned, Four Years Later
Mandatory lockdowns had almost no benefit—but did significant economic and health-related damage.
Don’t Credit the Fed for Inflation’s Decline
The central bank failed to constrain economic growth. As supply increased, price increases eased.
Delaware’s ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban Argued in 3rd Circuit
Likelihood of prevailing on a constitutional claim may suffice for a preliminary injunction.
Who’s to Blame for High Gas Prices? California’s Democratic Politicians Should Look in the Mirror.
Two Birds of a Fiscal Feather

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless