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en Espanol Commentary Articles

The Downside of a Trump Tariff
Do Republicans Have a Death Wish?
Tax Fairness Critical to Sustaining Growth of Energy Sector
Jerry Brown the Born-Again Land Grabber
Let Trump Be Trump with North Korea
Yes: Regulatory Red Tape Is Strangling Economic Growth
Setting the Record Straight on Open Contracting
2017 Is Right-to-Work’s Watershed Year
Trump’s Entry Ban Is Unneeded and Wrong
Lessons from Odebrecht
Seven Questions To Ask About Republican Health Plans
Judge Gorsuch Is Stronger than Judge Hercules
Trump’s Inaugural Address Shows He Is Serious about Shaking Up Security Policy
History Lessons From John Hurt’s Great Escape
Angie’s List: 2-time Commie Loser Holds Forth
How Republicans Can Keep Donald Trump’s Promises on Healthcare
NATO Is Obsolete
Trump’s Criticisms of NATO and U.S. Defense Are Both Valid and Needed
Voodoo Employment Economics Threatens Healthcare Reform
Congress Has Already Started to Repeal Obamacare
Why Donald Trump Is Obama’s Logical Successor (and How an App Might Help)
How We Can Repeal the ACA and Still Insure the Uninsured
The Unintended Consequences of Minimum Wage Hikes
Socialism, Not Oil, Is the Cause of Venezuela’s Problems
Give VA Funds to Vets and Let Them Decide Which Hospitals to Use
The Intelligence Community Does Need a Shake-Up

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