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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Will Colorado Vote to Socialize Its Health Care System?
Free Trade Is a Win-Win
Does It Pay to Work?
Political and Economic Lessons from Gene, Mel and Woody
Floridians Push for Reform of State’s Criminal Justice System
Green Energy Dreams Will Hurt the Poor
First Debate Showed that Both Major Candidates Are Severely Wanting in Foreign Policy
Trump is Right to Take Aim at the ‘Political’ Fed
Why Santa Barbara Verdict Could Make All Californians the Winners
Expanding Aid to Flood Victims Is Unfair
Why President Obama Has Difficulty Garnering Respect Internationally
Registration, Confiscation, Arrest
Jail Time Needed, Not Fines, for CEO of Wells Fargo
Lessons from Our First Constitution
It’s Time to Liberate Health Savings Accounts
Whose Budget Is Worse—Trump’s or Clinton’s?
Shades of Healthcare Future: Irish Government May Fall for Lack of a New Diagnostic Lab
Federal Dysfunction and Constitution Day
Hardly: ‘Free’ College Plan Comes with $350 Billion Price Tag
Did the Constitution Deliver?
15 Years After: Are We Safer?
How About ‘Confederation Day’?
Environmentalists’ Questionable Tactics in North Dakota
Obamacare Will Set Back Real Health Reform for Years
Protecting Patient Safety without Malpractice Law

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