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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Free the Patient
The Economics of Brexit
Hillary’s One Good Idea—Before She Ruined It
At Their Own Peril, Americans Are Fuzzy on History
Why Secession Is Not a Dirty Word
To Help Children in Failing Schools, Try Copying the GI Bill
Ending Cuban Embargo Could Spur ‘Contagious Capitalism’
The Fantasy of Single-Payer Healthcare in the States
Muhammad Ali Defeated a Lot of Opponents. He Cannot, However, Defeat the Laws of Supply and Demand.
Paul Krugman’s Democratic Party
How About an Amerexit from NATO and Other One-Sided Military Alliances?
Why I Am Voting for Brexit
Paul Ryan’s Universal Health Tax Credit
Gun Restrictions Endanger LGBT Community and Other Minorities
Hillary’s Foreign Policy Is Scarier than Trump’s
Educational Choice: A Vision for Excellence
The “Experts” Are Wrong in Advocating Escalation in Syria
Why Every Vote Does Not Count
New GOP Bill Promises Real Health Care Reform
Identity Politics: Krugman Gets One Right
Given Orlando, Has the U.S. Government Been Adequately Protecting the Public?
Keeping Minerals in the Ground Keeps Them Out of the Economy
Was That Really a Coup in Brazil?
Five Things a New Health Savings Account Proposal Would Not Do
Muhammad Ali’s Real Legacy: True Patriotism

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