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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Democracy’s Death Spiral
The Only Solution to TSA’s Problems: Get Rid of It
What One Economist Knew
California’s Criminal Cronyism: Why the Governator Reduced a Violent Felon’s Sentence
Trump’s Foreign Policy Is the Realism America Needs
Which Party Is Better for the Economy?
A Little Common Sense Could Save Billions in Government Healthcare Spending
Rethinking a Century of Zoning
The U.S. Should Quit Coddling Saudi Arabia
New Ways to Pay for Roads
The United States Should Quit Coddling a Badly Behaving Saudi Arabia
Roth Health Savings Accounts: What the World Needs Now
Welcome to the World of Rosencare
This CEO Solved His Company’s Healthcare Problems Without Washington
What if the Left Doesn’t Really Want to Achieve Its Policy Goals?
Will Litigiousness Wreck Chariot for Women?
Earth Day Anniversary and the Balance of Nature Myth
The Congressional GOP’s Health Care Tax Credits
Peruvian Elections: Another Fujimori in the Wings
San Francisco’s Parental Leave Law Is Bad for Business
Ted Cruz Is Shaky on Foreign Policy
Better Care at a Fraction of the Cost—Only a Plane Ride Away
What If the ‘Big, Fat, Juicy Bubble’ Bursts?
Radical Reform Labor Law, Part II
Putting the Democratic Party on the Couch
“Cash for Keys”: Squatter’s Dream, Owner’s Nightmare

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