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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Better Care at One-Tenth the Cost
Race Baiting, Polarization, and the Attacks on Donald Trump
Soda Taxes Morally, Ethically Bankrupt
Portable Health Insurance: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
California Coastal Boss Gets Fired
Global Monetary Turmoil Is Hurting Economic Growth
Opportunities for Healthcare Savings in Obama’s 2017 Budget
Trump’s Trade Claims Are Ignorant
Where Did the Idea of Obamacare Come From? A Defense of the Heritage Foundation
Has The New York Times Become a Democratic Party Newspaper?
Back to the Future: Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya
The Fed and the Stock Market
Paris Climate Accord: Hope, Change—and Collapse
Lessons from Flint’s Water Tragedy—And a Better Way Forward
Bad Diversity versus Good Diversity
Walmart Stores to Close—Blame the Minimum Wage
The United States Should Peacefully Let China Rise
Mainstream Misdirection in SCOTUS Search
Obamacare in the Workplace: Fewer Hours, Lower Incomes and Less Health Insurance
Krugman Recants on Healthcare; The Left Is Apoplectic
Bernie Sanders Is Not a Social Democrat; He’s a Marxist
Without Antonin Scalia, What Now for the Constitution?
The Goldilocks Approach to Global Warming
We Can’t Afford ‘Free’ College
Relief of Poverty: Four Centuries of Futility

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