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en Espanol Commentary Articles

The Dark Side of Brown
Who’s Sorry Now?
No Presidential Apology for Debt, Taxes, Domestic Debacles
The Unicorn Economy and the Disturbing Plight of the Middle Class
Trump’s Problem with the Fed
The Shocking Truth about Stun Guns
Mistrusting Yet Embracing Big Government: The Rise of ‘Failurism’
Do Republicans Have a Death Wish on Healthcare?
Memorial Day Should Make Us Rethink Platitudes about the U.S. Military
Sick of Airport Delays? Disband the TSA
Trump’s Approach to North Korea Bucks Foreign Policy Elite
Federal Authorities Flunk in Every Category but Promises
Trajectory of U.S. Policy in Vietnam Offers a Roadmap to a Possible Future in the Mideast
Hillary Clinton’s Non-Starter Health Agenda
Did You Know that John Muir Wanted to Force Indians Out of the Yosemite Valley?
What FDR Knew about Welfare
In the old way of thinking, aid recipients were asked to be productive—to build skills and a work ethic.
The Curious Rise of the Push for $15 Wage
Trump and Sanders: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The U.S. Military Needs to Defend the Country, Not Undermine American Security
Government Gives Uber an Unfair Shake
Eight Health Reforms the GOP Should Avoid
Philadelphia’s Proposed Soda Tax Is Government Manipulation
Golden Opportunity Awaits to Make Common Cause at Trump-Ryan Summit
Taxpayers Increasingly Victimized in Obamacare Exchanges
The World Through Trump’s Eyes
Can the Government Make Doctors Better Doctors?

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