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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Economic Observations of Beach Parking
A Platform for Democrats
Where Will the New Jobs Come From?
Teaching the Teachers: Subject Expertise Comes First
8th Circuit Court Rules for 18 to 20-Year-Olds: Relies on Rahimi in Support of Liberalized Gun Carry Permits.
Chevron’s End Changes Washington’s Status Quo for the Better
Matt Yglesias Discovers Public Choice
California Capital Targets Target
Sacramento transforms retailers into criminals.
Despite California Spending $24 Billion on It Since 2019, Homelessness Increased. What Happened?
Newsom Continues Dreadful COVID-19 Crackdown
Reality dysphoria mounts across the Golden State.
The Imperial Presidency, with the Supreme Court’s Blessing, Has Gone Rogue
The Supreme Court neglects the fact that Congress, not the executive, is the most authoritative branch of government.
The Mass Democratization of Knowledge: Now Everyone Has Research Assistants
College Kids Without Civics and History
The current generation of adults in the US is squandering our human capital, endangering national unity, and diminishing the prosperity of future generations.
Don’t Believe Gavin Newsom. California Is Not a Low-Tax State.
Tempering Hysteria over Taiwan
Worries about a Chinese invasion of Taiwan should not trick the United States into further overextension.
Reason for Our Health Care Crisis: Government
Poor U.S. Relations with China and Russia Is a Bad Idea
Green Cards for International College Grads Are a Great Deal for Americans
Consumers (Sovereignly) Control Google
Why We Hate Each Other, Part II
Supreme Court’s Chevron Ruling Is a Major Victory for American Higher Education
A Different Perspective from Governor Newsom on California’s ‘State of the State’
Dr. Fauci: Unaccountable Power-Laden Bureaucrat
No single person should control public health policy and medical research spending.
Real Free Speech Requires Real Freedom
Universities must grapple with challenging ideas, resist speech restrictions
Invoking the Rule of Completeness on Independence Day

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