Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
9/12/2023 “ObamaCare Turns Out to Be Affordable Only for the Healthy” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman and Beverly Gossage Op-Ed in The Wall Street Journal
9/11/2023 “Merrick Garland proposes ever-more intrusive ATF regulations.” Sr. Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of The Right to Bear Arms Op-Ed in Reason’s Volokh Conspiracy
9/9/2023 “Despite ‘Soft Landing’ Predictions Some Economists See Warning Signs Flashing Red” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke quoted in The Epoch Times
9/8/2023 “How California’s Homeless Problem Became Intractable” Research Fellow Lee Ohanian Op-Ed in California on Your Mind
9/7/2023 “The Can Conundrum: Governments Don’t Have Coherent Goals” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
9/7/2023 “Ill Effects of Tuberville’s Abortion Protest Are Overblown” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency Op-Ed in Inside Sources and Tribune Newspaper affiliates
9/7/2023 “Using People the Right Way” Research Fellow Gary Galles Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
9/6/2023 “Gov. Gavin’s Gun Gambit” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The American Spectator
9/6/2023 “Statism Stands against Free Trade and Free Association” Research Fellow Tate Fegley, co-author of Op-Ed on
9/5/2023 “There Is No Climate Emergency” Research Fellow David Legates, co-author of Hot Talk, Cold Science is signatory of World Climate Declaration
9/5/2023 “Monetary Policy Remains Sufficiently Tight” Research Fellow Alexander William Salter Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
9/5/2023 “State Development Incentives: Taxes, Investment, and Tullock Auctions” Sr. Fellow Micheal Munger Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
9/3/2023 “How the New Deal Harmed Black Americans” Research Fellow David Beito, author of The New Deal’s War on the Bill of Rights Op-Ed in National Review
9/1/2023 “The 14th Amendment Case Against Trump Disregards History and Precedent” Research Fellow David T. Beito, author of The New Deal’s War on the Bill of Rights: The Untold Story of FDR’s Concentration Camps, Censorship, and Mass Surveillance Op-Ed in The Hill
8/31/2023 “Does China Have a Point About U.S. Encirclement?” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency Op-Ed in Inside Sources
8/31/2023 “The Legacy of Carlos Alberto Montaner” Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings Op-Ed in The Washington Times
8/30/2023 “‘Catch and Release’: Suspect in Viral LA Flash Mob Robbery Was Released on Cashless Bail One Day Before Heist” Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan quoted in the Washington Free Beacon
8/30/2023 “In Defense of Cash Grabs” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
8/30/2023 “Locked Down: What Do We Really Need Collective Action For?” Research Fellow Gary Galles Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
8/30/2023 “Enlarged BRICS faces uphill battle to dethrone dollar as trading currency” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke quoted in The Africa Report (subscription required)
8/30/2023 “No More Excuses for FDR’s Concentration Camps for Japanese-Americans” Research Fellow David Beito, author of The New Deal’s War on the Bill of Rights Op-Ed in The Orange County Register and affiliated Southern California Newsgroup Newspapers
8/29/2023 “What Is the New Deal with the New Deal?” The New Deal’s War on the Bill of Rights by Research Fellow David Beito is reviewed on American Institute for Economic Research
8/28/2023 “Book Review: Einer Für Alle, Alle Für Einen (One For All, All For One)” Sr. Fellow Stephen Halbrook reviews Einer Für Alle, Alle Für Einen (One For All, All For One) on NRA Shooting Sports USA
8/28/2023 “Warren Buffett may be bracing for a recession—and Michael Burry’s latest big short is a “good move.’” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke quoted in Business Insider
8/26/2023 “Virus Variant: Perpetuating White Coat Supremacy in America” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The American Spectator
8/25/2023 “We give the Fed an enormous amount of power to punish the private sector” Sr. Fellow Judy Shelton interviewed on CNBC’s Squawk Box
8/25/2023 “A Large Bank Failure that Few Are Talking About” Research Fellow Burton Abrams, author of The Terrible 10 Op-Ed in Real Clear Markets
8/25/2023 “The Dark Underbelly of the New Deal and FDR’s Policies” Research Fellow David Beito, author of The New Deal’s War on the Bill of Rights interviewed on Liberty Curious with Kate Wand
8/25/2023 “The Root of Higher Education’s Excess Can Be Found in... Silicon Valley?” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise cited in Forbes
8/25/2023 “Top economist Steve Hanke says stocks look expensive–and a recession is ‘right around the corner’” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke quoted in Business Insider
8/25/2023 “Two economists from different camps see peril in Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s comments on inflation and interest rates from Jackson Hole” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke quoted in Fortune
8/25/2023 “The Ne Plus Ultra of Collegiate Wokeness” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise Op-Ed in The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless