Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
8/4/2023 “Why Are Permit Expediters Needed to Cut San Francisco’s Red Tape?” Research Fellow Christopher Calton quoted in The San Francisco Standard
8/3/2023 “Free Markets and Social Justice” Sr. Fellow Robert Whaples, editor of Is Social Justice Just? interviewed on Kresta in the Afternoon radio show
8/3/2023 “Affirmative Action Ruling May Save American Colleges” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise Op-Ed in The American Spectator
8/2/2023 “‘Random Acts of Medicine’ Review: Paging Dr. Chance” Sr. Fellow Alex Tabarrok book review in The Wall Street Journal
8/2/2023 “Why Corruption So Easily Festers in San Francisco City Hall” Research Fellow Christopher Calton Op-Ed in the San Francisco Chronicle
8/2/2023 “Aid to Wealthy Israel Has Reached Its Expiration Date” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency Op-Ed in The National Interest
8/1/2023 “New California Math Framework—A National Laughing Stock?” Sr. Fellow Williamson Evers interviewed on Kresta in the Afternoon on WDEO radio
8/1/2023 “Joe Biden is gaslighting again on the economy; economists show how full of hot air he is” Sr. Fellow Álvaro Vargas Llosa author of Global Crossings quoted in American Thinker
7/31/2023 “Biden’s Victory Lap Is Good Politics. Cheering Is Bad Economics” Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings Op-Ed in Fortune and Real Clear Markets
7/28/2023 Research Fellow David Beito, author of the upcoming book The New Deal’s War on the Bill of Rights: The Untold Story of FDR’s Concentration Camps, Censorship, and Mass Surveillance interviewed on the Cato Daily Podcast
7/28/2023 “We Are Slowing Shifting Power Away from Private Sector toward the Government” Sr. Fellow Judy Shelton interviewed on CNBC’s Squawk Box
7/28/2023 “California’s Reactionary Racism” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in American Thinker
7/28/2023 “Does College Accreditation Work?” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise Op-Ed in The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal
7/27/2023 “The New (Old) Threat of ‘Runaway Bureaucracy’” Sr. Fellow Michael Munger Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
7/27/2023 “Spectre of hyperinflation hangs over Putin as Russian economy crumbles” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke quoted in The Telegraph (subscription required)
7/26/2023 “California Math Curriculum Blocks Advancement for Minorities” Sr. Fellow Williamson Evers interviewed on the Wilkow show on Salem TV (interview begins at 29:35)
7/26/2023 “New California Math Curriculum Won’t Prepare Students for STEM Careers” Sr. Fellow Williamson Evers interviewed on KCOL radio
7/26/2023 “Cut Pork from the Farm Bill” Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell Op-Ed on Inside Sources and Tribune News Service syndicated newspapers
7/25/2023 “How Central Banks Manipulate Currencies” Sr. Fellow Judy Shelton interviewed on Let People Prosper Show with Vance Ginn
7/25/2023 “California Adopts Harmful New Math Framework” Sr. Fellow Williamson Evers interviewed on The Stream
7/25/2023 “Upholding Oregon’s Magazine Ban” Sr. Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of The Right to Bear Arms Op-Ed in Reason’s Volokh Conspiracy
7/24/2023 “The curious case of the U.S. Dollar: Is a new era of monetary supremacy on the horizon?” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke quoted in Economic Times
7/24/2023 “Critics call out California’s new woke math curriculum” Sr. Fellow Williamson Evers interviewed on Fox News Channel
7/24/2023 “California’s Math Curriculum Does Not Prepare Students for STEM Fields” Sr. Fellow Williamson Evers interviewed on Sirius XM radio’s “Stacy on the Right”
7/21/2023 “California Math Framework: Proven Methods vs. Political Ideology” Sr. Fellow Williamson Evers Op-Ed in Real Clear Education
7/20/2023 “Economics is Not Easy” Sr. Fellow Michael Munger Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
7/18/2023 “California’s New Framework for K-12 Math is Flawed” Sr. Fellow Williamson Evers interviewed on KPCC radio
7/18/2023 “University Innovation in the Buckeye State?” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise Op-Ed in The American Spectator
7/17/2023 “California Approves Math Curriculum Promoting ‘Social Justice’ Over Standard Skills” Sr. Fellow Williamson Evers quoted in The Epoch Times
7/16/2023 “How Federal Reserve Misguidance Contributes to Bank Failures” Research Fellow Burton Abrams, author of The Terrible 10 and James Butkiewicz Op-Ed in the Washington Examiner
7/15/2023 “The Fallacy of Climate Change and Macroeconomic Modeling” Sr. Fellow William F. Shughart II Op-Ed in The Hill
7/15/2023 “Inflation is over, ‘Money Doctor’ Steve Hanke says. Now, for the monsters...” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke quoted in American Thinker

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless