Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
11/12/2014 “If the ‘War On Women’ is Over, Whither Hillary Clinton?” Research Fellow Wendy McElroy Op-Ed in The Hill
11/12/2014 “‘Peak Obamacare’: Will Exchanges End With A Bang Or A Whimper?” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham Op-Ed in Forbes
11/12/2014 “A Republican Congress and ObamaCare” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless on Fox News Channel
11/12/2014 “Time To Hang Up On Uncle Sam’s Addictive Phone Plan” Research Fellow Abigail Hall Op-Ed in McClatchy Newspapers
11/12/2014 “Free Markets 25 Years After the Berlin Wall” Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell Op-Ed in The Huffington Post
11/12/2014 “The Case Against Rent Control” Research Fellow Robert Murphy Op-Ed in Foundation for Economic Education
11/11/2014 “Gun Control: A Tyrant’s Tool in World History” Gun Control in the Third Reich by Stephen P. Halbrook cited on
11/11/2014 “The United States Should Give China Breathing Room to Rise Peacefully” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in The Huffington Post
11/11/2014 “President Obama And His Healthcare Legacy” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
11/11/2014 “Obama the worst?” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of Recarving Rushmore on Russia Today’s CrossTalk
11/10/2014 “Democrats Discover Race Baiting” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman Op-Ed in
11/10/2014 “New Rule from the Department of Education Threatens Educational Options” Research Fellow Vicki Alger cited on National Center for Policy Analysis
11/10/2014 “John C. Goodman: The Destruction of US Healthcare and How to Fight Back” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless interviewed on The Daily Bell
11/10/2014 Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of Recarving Rushmore appears on the Rick Amato Show on One America News Network
11/9/2014 Recarving Rushmore author Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on KSKY Radio
11/7/2014 “ISIS’s Might Turns to Ripple” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on Arise America TV
11/7/2014 “Obamacare’s Twilight: Health Reform In The Next Congress” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham Op-Ed in Forbes
11/6/2014 “Robert LeFevre, Paying a Debt Backward” Research Fellow Wendy McElroy Op-Ed in The Daily Bell
11/6/2014 “Is There An Alternative To Waiting For Care?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
11/6/2014 “Are All Commons Tragedies? The Case of Bison in the 19th Century” The Independent Review article by Research Fellow Peter J. Hill in The Perc Blog by The Property and Environment Research Center
11/6/2014 Recarving Rushmore author Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on WKRC Radio
11/6/2014 Recarving Rushmore author Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on WILS Radio
11/6/2014 Recarving Rushmore author Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on CRN Radio
11/5/2014 Recarving Rushmore author Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on WJRW Radio
11/5/2014 “Obamacare’s Twilight: Health Reform In The Next Congress” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham Op-Ed in Forbes
11/5/2014 “Bank Regulators Early Warning System Failed” Research Fellow Vern McKinley, author of Financing Failure appears on Full Disclosure Network
11/5/2014 “Is Obama The Worst President Ever?” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of Recarving Rushmore interviewed on The Financial Survival Network with Kerry Lutz
11/5/2014 “Obamacare’s Twilight: Health Reform In the Next Congress” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham Op-Ed in Forbes
11/4/2014 “Space Tourism Will Survive Virgin Galactic Crash” Sr. Fellow Alex Tabarrok cited on
11/4/2014 “High Obamacare Deductibles” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, Author of Priceless Appears on Fox News Channel
11/4/2014 “A Two-Tiered Health Care System Is Coming Faster Than You Think” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
11/3/2014 “How The Democrats Plan To Create Jobs” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed on

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless