Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
7/16/2012 The Birmingham News “On the Record” with Art Carden
7/16/2012 Butler Shaffer recommends the Independent Institute for real solutions in “Where Do We Go From Here?” at LRC
7/16/2012 Research Editor Anthony Gregory cited in The New American article, “Deficit Headed for $1.1 Trillion This Year”
7/16/2012 Priceless author John C. Goodman’s latest “U.S. Health Care: Reality Check on Cross-Country Comparisons”
7/16/2012 John C. Goodman in Psychology Today on “The Problem of Unintended Consequences” of government healthcare mandates
7/14/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman in Townhall on “Uncertainty” in from ObamaCare
7/12/2012 Washington Times reviewer champions Priceless: “If Mr. Romney and the rest of the GOP want to get reform right, they should champion Mr. Goodman’s ideas”
7/12/2012 Ivan Eland debates U.S military’s role in Africa on the RT Television Network’s “Cross Talk”
7/11/2012 Priceless cited as key blueprint for healthcare reform in Washington Examiner article, “Presenting Alternatives to Obamacare”
7/11/2012 Ivan Eland: “Wars Have Unpredictable and Dangerous Collateral Effects”
7/10/2012 John C. Goodman’s written testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, “The Impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Job Creators and the Economy”
7/10/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman and Priceless favorably cited in the Springfield (MO) News-Leader
7/10/2012 “Patient Power Now” blog recommends Priceless
7/7/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman proposes “A Health Care Contract with America”
7/7/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman’s column at Townhall on “Health Contract with America”
7/6/2012 Priceless reviewed in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons
7/6/2012 Jim Angle cites John C. Goodman and Priceless in Fox News article, “Republicans pressed to detail plans for replacing ObamaCare if it’s repealed”
7/6/2012 “A Healthcare Contract With America” by John C. Goodman and Peter Ferrara in The Healthcare Blog
7/6/2012 “A Healthcare Contract With America” by John C. Goodman and Peter Ferrara in Hawaii Free Press
7/6/2012 No War for Oil, by Senior Fellow Ivan Eland, favorably reviewed in America Magazine
7/6/2012 Research Fellow Winslow Wheeler cited in The Independence (MO) Examiner: “Wasteful Spending Hurts U.S”
7/5/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report with Bret Baier”
7/5/2012 Peter Ferrara acclaims Priceless in The American Spectator in “How to Defeat and Replace Obamacare Now”
7/5/2012 Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis favorably reviewed in Forbes
7/5/2012 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland commentary “The Drug War in Mexico: Corruption is Better than Slaughter”
7/3/2012 Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in Huffington Post article “Holding Attorneys General in Contempt”
7/3/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman interviewed on The Mike Huckabee Radio Show (Cumulus Radio Network) discussing his new book Priceless
7/2/2012 Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa in The National Interest article “Paraguay’s Big Mistake”
7/2/2012 ALERT: Research Fellow John C. Goodman to be on Christian Broadcasting Network’s Newswatch program at 4pm ET, July 2.
6/30/2012 Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis recommended in Barron’s
6/30/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman at Townhall on the need for “Repeal and Replace” of ObamaCare
6/29/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman discusses the top 5 reasons why Obamacare needs to be replaced in the Austin Statesman Journal

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless