Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
8/20/2012 Politics blog at San Francisco Chronicle cites John C. Goodman’s Wall Street Journal article on “Why the Doctor Can’t See You” from ObamaCare.
8/20/2012 Priceless author John C. Goodman in Psychology Today “Can Entrepreneurship Be Copied?”
8/20/2012 Nationally Syndicated America’s Morning News hosts John McCaslin and Dana Mills interview Priceless author John Goodman
8/18/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman on “The Ryan Budget” in Townhall
8/17/2012 interviews John Goodman about his book Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis
8/17/2012 John Stossel cites Research Fellow Art Carden in guest opinion on blog “Debunking Myths”
8/17/2012 Nationally Syndicated United Stations Radio Network interviews Priceless author John Goodman
8/17/2012 Research Fellow Art Carden on “Is it High Time to Legalize Marijuana?”
8/16/2012 John Goodman, author of Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis writes column in USA Today “Ryan Medicare Drama More Hype Than Reality”
8/16/2012 John C. Goodman in Right Side News “Economics for Health Policy Wonks”
8/16/2012 John Goodman, author of Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis in Livingston Daily on “Medicare drama mostly hyperbole”
8/16/2012 John C. Goodman interviewed on America’s Radio News Network: “Mid-Morning Edition with Ernie Brown”
8/16/2012 John Goodman, author of Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis in Detroit Free Press on “Medicare drama mostly hyperbole”
8/16/2012 John C. Goodman interviewed on CBS Radio Network’s “CBS News Weekend Roundup”
8/16/2012 Priceless author John Goodman appears on America’s Radio News Network “Mid-Morning Edition” with host Ernie Brown
8/15/2012 Priceless author John C. Goodman’s article “Why the Doctor Can’t See You,” in The Wall Street Journal
8/15/2012 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland: “Left and Right Both Call for Escalation in Syria.”
8/15/2012 Research Director Alex Tabarrok’s quote about driverless cars is “Quote of the Day” on
8/15/2012 Living Economics is favorably reviewed by Leonard Liggio at the Atlas Network Blog
8/15/2012 Priceless author John C. Goodman in Psychology Today: “Unleash Healthcare Entrepreneurs
8/15/2012 Research Editor Anthony Gregory in Huffington Post: “Do We Want a Stop and Frisk Society?”
8/14/2012 Vern McKinley, author of Financing Failure: A Century of Bailouts, featured in Breitbart article on FOIA lawsuit over MF Global documents.
8/14/2012 Research Fellow Richard A. Epstein writes in The Daily Caller about the Obamacare quagmire and the economic law of unintended consequences.
8/14/2012 Senior Fellow Richard K. Vedder cited in Jewish World Review article on state of U.S. education compared worldwide.
8/14/2012 Independent Review contributor Hunt Tooley is interviewed by The Washington Times to make sense of current economic terms.
8/13/2012 Priceless author John C. Goodman interviewed by KTSC Minneapolis: “Is court’s health-care ruling a wise decision? It depends . . .”
8/13/2012 Research Fellow Vicki Alger featured in Tallahassee Democrat: “Rather than freeze loan rates, rethink education”
8/13/2012 Senior Vice President Mary Theroux in Huffington Post: “War on Women?”
8/13/2012 Priceless author John C. Goodman in Psychology Today: “How Third-Party Payers Crush Entrepreneurs”
8/10/2012 ALERT: Priceless author John C. Goodman interview with C-SPAN’s Book TV to air Sunday, August 12th at 1:30 pm (ET) and Monday, August 13th at 1:30 am (ET)
8/10/2012 Research Fellow Art Carden in Forbes: “How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall?”
8/10/2012 Research Fellow Vicki Alger cited in Newsmax article, “Cleveland Fed Study Shows It Pays to Finish College”

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless