Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
9/14/2012 The Incidental Economist Austin Frakt reviews Priceless Chapter 1 by John Goodman
9/14/2012 “The Mike Pintek Show” interviews Priceless author John Goodman on radio station KDKA Pittsburgh, PA
9/14/2012 “The Fed’s New Foray Into Crony Capitalism” on by Research Fellow Randall Holcombe
9/13/2012 “Freeing the Retirees-How to Make Health Insurance Easier to Purchase” in Psychology Today by Priceless author John Goodman
9/12/2012 “Celebrate The Income Tax’s 100th Birthday By Fixing It” by Research Fellow and Director of Burton Abrams Op-Ed in Investor’s Business Daily
9/12/2012 John Goodman’s book Priceless is subject of blog posts by Aaron Carroll and Austin Frakt on
9/12/2012 Priceless: Preface (1)” Priceless By Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, is reviewed in The Incidental Economist
9/12/2012 “Get Ready for 2-Tier System of Medical Care” by Priceless author John Goodman in Texas Insider among others
9/12/2012 “When Rule of Law Meets Politics” by Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in among others
9/12/2012 “The Right & the Drug War” by Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in The American Conservative among others
9/11/2012 Senior Vice President Mary Theroux in The Huffington Post “Clint Has a Point”
9/11/2012 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs quoted in Chattanooga Times Free Press column remembering September 11, 2001.
9/11/2012 University of California, Davis, recommends Aquanomics to help readers prepare for November’s general election.
9/11/2012 quotes and Lloyd Billingsley in article “General Motors is Alive...Car Company loses $49,000 For Every Volt Produced”
9/10/2012 Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in The Denver Post “Should Congress Pull the Plug on Funding National Public Radio? Yes.”
9/10/2012 Financing Failure, by Research Fellow Vern McKinley, is reviewed in The Financial Analysts Journal of the CFA Institute
9/10/2012 Priceless author John Goodman in Psychology Today “Freeing the Employee: How to Make Health Insurance Portable”
9/8/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman in Townhall, among others, on “Which Party Is the Party of Big Government?”
9/7/2012 John Goodman, author of Priceless quoted in “Idaho State Representative Outlines His Concerns with Implementation of Obamacare”
9/6/2012 Research Fellow Burton Abrams quoted in story “Election Won’t Stop the Fed”
9/6/2012 Peter Boettke, author of Living Economics interviewed in article “Economist Peter Boettke Deflates Candidates’ Concept of Energy Independence”
9/6/2012 Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in The Huffington Post “Does the Buck Stop With the President?”
9/5/2012 Independent Institute’s Research Fellow Burton Abrams quoted in article on $16 trillion debt milestone.
9/5/2012 Public Choice favorably reviews the Independent Institute’s book Living Economics, by Peter Boettke
9/5/2012 Priceless author John Goodman in “Health Care without Prices”
9/4/2012 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland interviewed about U.S. Presidential election on Russia Today’s
9/4/2012 Priceless author John Goodman in Psychology Today “A Simple Way to Control Healthcare Spending”
9/1/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman in Townhall on “Are Employers Unfair to Women?”
8/31/2012 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs quoted in John Stossel’s column “Uncertainty Paralysis” in The Freeman
8/31/2012 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in Kansas City Infozine “Is Ron Paul Being Co-opted?”
8/30/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman in “Do You Care More than Paul Krugman Cares?”
8/30/2012 Research Fellow Fred Singer in American Thinker “Winning the AGW Science Debate: Here’s How”

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless