Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
9/16/2009 Jonathan Bean is interviewed on Race and Liberty in America on “The Terry Leahy Show” at KKAR-AM and seven other stations (Omaha, NE)
9/14/2009 Jonathan Bean is interviewed on Race and Liberty in America on “The Mike Siegel Show” at KKITZ-AM (Seattle, WA)
9/14/2009 Anthony Gregory: Is compulsory health care constitutional?
9/12/2009 Ivan Eland cited on 8th anniversary of 9/11 at the Globe and Mail
9/7/2009 Art Carden evaluates the ethics of capitalism in Forbes
9/7/2009 Race and Liberty in America reviewed at Project 21’s New Vision Commentary
9/7/2009 Race and Liberty in America reviewed in The Birmingham Times
9/4/2009 Charles Peña: U.S. meddling won't help Pakistan
9/1/2009 Jonathan Bean is interviewed on Voice of America radio show Hip Hop Connection
8/27/2009 Ivan Eland discusses U.S. oil policy in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
8/25/2009 Race and Liberty in America cited at The Plain Truth
8/25/2009 “What Was Essence of King’s ‘Dream’?” by Jonathan Bean nationally syndicated in McClatchy Newspapers
8/24/2009 Jonathan Bean comments on 46th anniversary of “I have a dream...” Sacramento Bee
8/17/2009 Gene Epstein calls Recarving Rushmore “brilliant” in Barron’s
8/17/2009 “Catholics, Civil Rights, and the Holy Name,” by Jonathan Bean Ignatius Insight
8/14/2009 Dominick T. Armentano quoted on health care in The New American
8/12/2009 Jonathan Bean is interviewed on Race and Liberty in America on “The Lincoln Brown Show” at KVEL-AM (Salt Lake City, UT)
8/10/2009 Jonathan Bean quoted on race politics in the Christian Science Monitor
8/9/2009 Jonathan Bean is interviewed on Race and Liberty in America on “Upfront with Tony Cox” at National Public Radio and the African American News Consortium
8/6/2009 Shughart in San Francisco Examiner: CA leaves money sitting idle
8/5/2009 McClatchy: Robert Higgs says audit, then abolish the Fed
7/29/2009 Race and Liberty in America: The Essential Reader recommended by Justin Taylor at The Gospel Coalition Blog
7/27/2009 “Trickle-Down Theology Won’t Work” Jonathan Bean, Editor of Race and Liberty in America Op-Ed in Ignatius Insight
7/27/2009 “Trickle-Down Theology Won’t Work,” by Jonathan Bean Ignatius Insight
7/21/2009 William Ratliff on Honduras "coup" in Press-Democrat
7/19/2009 Re-Thinking Green cited in Las Vegas Review-Journal
7/16/2009 Art Carden in Commercial Appeal: Memphis schools would thrive on competition
7/16/2009 William Shughart in Daily Sun News: Internet sales taxes will fuel big government
7/12/2009 Race and Liberty in America reviewed in Southern Illinoisan
7/9/2009 Orange County Register quotes Alvaro Vargas Llosa on Honduras coup
7/9/2009 “Color Blind Can’t Pick Cherries” Jonathan Bean, Editor of Race and Liberty in America Op-Ed in San Antonio Express-News
7/8/2009 Race and Liberty in America reviewed in

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless