Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
4/12/2009 Drug War Crimes cited in Financial Times article on war on drugs
4/11/2009 Dominick Armentano on the bailout in Pioneer Press
4/8/2009 Robert Higgs writes on government expansion in Daily Sun News
4/6/2009 Don Kates reflects on gun control, crime in San Francisco Examiner
4/6/2009 Mary Anastasia O'Grady cites Lessons from the Poor in Wall Street Journal
4/5/2009 Robert Higgs in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on the bailout and government expansion
4/3/2009 William Shughart on Obama's budget proposal in Vision Hispana
4/2/2009 Ivan Eland kicks off Recarving Rushmore tour, Abilene Reflector-Chronicle reports
4/2/2009 Ivan Eland weighs in on Code Pink at Politico
4/2/2009 Ivan Eland on Code Pink, U.S. military policy at Jezebel
4/1/2009 Gabriel Gasave quoted at BBC News Online on the G-20, global economy
4/1/2009 Gabriel Roth in Tucson Citizen on federal road financing
4/1/2009 Ivan Eland in Washington Times: Obama's first 100 days
4/1/2009 Daniel Rothschild cites Robert Higgs in Reason
3/31/2009 William Shughart in San Francisco Chronicle: California should sell San Quentin
3/28/2009 Clovis News Journal quotes Ivan Eland on U.S. Afghanistan policy
3/27/2009 Anthony Gregory reviews Recarving Rushmore at Hawaii Reporter
3/25/2009 Dominick Armentano quoted on antitrust laws at CBS News Online
3/23/2009 Lawrence Powell in Mobile Bay Business Journal on Gulf coast insurance markets
3/23/2009 National Review cites Robert Higgs, Richard Vedder, Lowell Galloway
3/23/2009 “A Strong Foundation” David T. Beito and Jonathan Bean examine the life and writings of Booker T. Washington in National Review
3/21/2009 Daily News Record quotes Higgs, Depression, War, and Cold War
3/20/2009 New American quotes David Theroux on the imperial presidency
3/19/2009 Arthur Foulkes quotes Robert Higgs in Tribune Star
3/19/2009 William Shughart in York Daily Record on Obama fiscal policy
3/18/2009 Stan Liebowitz in Investor's Busisness Daily: Who's going to pay it back?
3/15/2009 William Shughart on Obama fiscal policy in Pittsburgh Tribune Review
3/14/2009 Charleston Gazette cites The Independent Institute on U.S. military spending
3/12/2009 William Shughart in Sun Herald on Obama fiscal policy
3/10/2009 Ivan Eland on defense industry financing in Los Angeles Times
3/9/2009 Thomas Woods quotes Robert Higgs in American Conservative
3/8/2009 Benjamin Powell in Washington Times on how to avoid a long recession

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