Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
1/25/2010 William Shughart in the San Francisco Examiner: No silver lining for Haiti
1/22/2010 Human Events mentions Robert Higgs's theory of "regime uncertainty"
1/22/2010 The New Holy Wars is reviewed in Liberty Blog at the Pacific Legal Foundation
1/20/2010 Robert Higgs in Investor's on the disappearance of private-sector jobs
1/19/2010 Orange County Register cites Ivan Eland on Taliban attack in Kabul
1/16/2010 National Review Online quotes Alvaro Vargas Llosa on Chilean elections
1/15/2010 Robert Higgs analyzes unemployment statistics in the Washington Times
1/14/2010 Winner in 2009 Templeton Fellowships Essay Contest mentioned by local paper
1/13/2010 USA Today cites Robert Higgs on war bonds and inflation
1/13/2010 Ivan Eland at Politics clouds Obama's judgment
1/12/2010 Roger Koppl and Dan Krane discuss FBI DNA testing at the Sacramento Bee
1/10/2010 Jonathan Bean is interviewed about Race and Liberty in America on “The Bill Meyer Show” KMED-AM (Medford, OR)
1/9/2010 Alex Tabarrok tackles the organ shortage in the Wall Street Journal
1/4/2010 Art Carden reflects on the "Naughties" at
1/4/2010 Jonathan Bean is interviewed on Race and Liberty in America at WZZA-AM (Muscle Shoals, AL)
1/3/2010 The Observer quotes Ivan Eland on national security troubles
12/31/2009 Charles Peña on the "lap bomber" incident in the Baltimore Sun
12/30/2009 Christian Science Monitor cites Ivan Eland on release of British hostage
12/24/2009 Race and Liberty in America reviewed in Diverse: Issues in Higher Education
12/23/2009 Race and Liberty in America reviewed in Human Rights Law Review
12/23/2009 The Star-Ledger quotes Charles Peña on missile defenses
12/21/2009 William Shughart on employment stimulus in the San Francisco Examiner
12/21/2009 Jonathan Bean is interviewed on Race and Liberty in America on WSIU-AM (Carbondale, IL)
12/21/2009 “SIUC History Professor Anthology Touches on Race and Immigration,” by Brad Palmer at
12/18/2009 Robert Higgs on "Freedom Watch" with Judge Napolitano
12/15/2009 Robert H. Nelson, author of The New Holy Wars mentioned in Publisher’s Weekly
12/14/2009 “Climate Skeptic: We are Winning the Science Battle” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in Reuters
12/10/2009 William Shughart encourages U.S. energy production in the Vicksburg Post
12/9/2009 David Theroux in Investor's Business Daily: Science isn't arbiter of truth
12/9/2009 Robert H. Nelson, author of The New Holy Wars interviewed on KDOV radio
12/8/2009 Jonathan Bean is interviewed on Race and Liberty in America at WNTW-AM (Johnstown-Pittsburgh, PA)
12/8/2009 William Shughart proposes patent law reforms in the Christian Science Monitor

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless