Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
10/22/2012 “The Future of Medicare” a conversation from The Texas Tribune featuring Priceless author John C. Goodman
10/20/2012 “Does Mitt Romney Want to Let People Die?” by Research Fellow John C. Goodman at Townhall
10/19/2012 “Contrary To What Nicholas Kristof Tells You, Healthcare Is Not Free” by Priceless author John C. Goodman in Forbes Magazine
10/19/2012 “Sick - No Appeal - It’s Obamacare” cited in Canada Free Press article
10/19/2012 John C. Goodman, author of Priceless appears on Point of View with Kerby Anderson and Penna Dexter radio show
10/19/2012 “Sheila Bair’s Bailout Blame Game” by Research Fellow and author of Financing Failure Vern McKinley in The Daily Caller
10/18/2012 “Employers Opt for Medical Tourism” by Priceless author John C. Goodman in Right Side News
10/18/2012 “On Marriage, Kidneys and the Economics Nobel” Research Fellow Alex Tabarrok cited in Wall Street Journal
10/18/2012 Priceless: Chapter 18” Priceless” By Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, is reviewed in The Incidental Economist
10/17/2012 “The Better Solution for Pre-Existing Conditions” Op-Ed by Priceless author John C. Goodman in The Wall Street Journal
10/16/2012 “Falling Off the Fiscal Cliff” Op-Ed by Director and Research Fellow Burt Abrams in The Washington Times
10/16/2012 “Two Flawed Models of Health Insurance” by Priceless author John C. Goodman in Psychology Today
10/16/2012 “Health Reform is a Matter of Life and Death” by Priceless author John C. Goodman in Right Side News
10/16/2012 “America’s Moral Degeneracy” Research Fellow Anthony Gregory cited in Pravda
10/16/2012 “Obamacare vs. the Current Flawed System” Priceless author John C. Goodman cited in Reason Magazine
10/15/2012 “Public broadcasting: Wrong battle for the Right” Op-Ed in Washington Examiner by Research Fellow Art Carden
10/15/2012 Property Rights: Eminent Domain and Regulatory Takings Re-Examined edited by Bruce L. Benson, reviewed by P.J. Hill in Faith & Economics (Fall 2012)
10/13/2012 “Who Really Cares About the Poor?” by Research Fellow John C. Goodman at Townhall
10/12/2012 “Obamacare’s Impossible Expectations” by Priceless author John C. Goodman in
10/12/2012 “Ignore Syrian Rebels’ Threats” by Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in Media With Conscience
10/12/2012 “America’s Moral Degeneracy” Research Fellow Anthony Gregory cited in Foreign Policy Journal
10/12/2012 John C. Goodman, author of Priceless appears on Reason TV “Curing the Healthcare Crisis”
10/12/2012 Senior Fellow Charles V. Peña cited in on Mitt Romney’s European missile defense plan
10/12/2012 “Henderson on John Goodman’s Priceless” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless reviewed on EconLog
10/11/2012 Priceless: Chapters 16-17 ” Priceless By Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, is reviewed in The Incidental Economist
10/11/2012 Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa in the Wall Street Journal: “The Man Who Saved Colombia”
10/11/2012 Research Fellow William Watkins in USA Today: “Who cares about Congress?”
10/11/2012 Priceless author John C. Goodman on Fox News: “Does ObamaCare cut or save $716 billion in Medicare? Depends who you ask”
10/11/2012 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in Reason: “Feds Wasting Money on Confusion Centers”
10/11/2012 Senior Fellow Alex Tabarrok cited in Washington Post: “The Case Against Patents”
10/11/2012 contributor Lloyd Billingsley in the City Journal: “Partial Recall- Arnold Schwarzenegger omits a few facts from his new book”
10/11/2012 “To Restore the Family: Privatize and Depoliticize” by President David J. Theroux for the Center of the American Experiment’s report “Fragmented Families and Splintered Classes”

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless