Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
11/15/2012 “Aquanomics: Water Markets and the Environment” favorably reviewed in The Percolator: The PERC Blog
11/15/2012 “Why The U.S. Job Market Remains Terribly Bleak” by John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Forbes
11/15/2012 Crisis and Leviathan referenced on review of TV’s History Channel docudrama The Men Who Built America
11/14/2012 “Hospitals and Doctors’ Offices Can Be Hazardous to Your Health” by John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
11/13/2012 “The Public-Private Double Standard” by John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
11/13/2012 Open letter to congress, posted on by Research Fellow Dr. Fred Singer and others, urging congress not to hold hearings on global warming connections to Hurricane Sandy.
11/13/2012 “Mary Theroux weighs in on Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Saturday-Night-Live-ish prohibition on food donations to NYC homeless shelters.” on Cafe Hayek and others.
11/12/2012 “How Not to Fix the Debt” Research Fellow Burton Abrams quoted in Op-Ed in The Fayetteville (NC) Observer
11/12/2012 “The Public Purpose of Economics -- The Education of Students” Peter Boettke article in
11/12/2012 “Did the Election Save ObamaCare?” John Goodman writes in
11/9/2012 “Meddling In Mali” by Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in Eurasia Review
11/9/2012 “Obama to Help UN Invade Mali” Senior Fellow Ivan Eland quoted in The New American
11/8/2012 “Socialism Kills” by John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Right Side News
11/8/2012 “China Adds Per Capita Income into Growth Target” Research Fellow William Ratliff mentioned in China Daily
11/8/2012 “On Climate Change, Government is Not the Answer” Research Fellow Art Carden in Washington Examiner
11/8/2012 “There Will be Increases in Taxes for Upper Income Americans” Senior Fellow Richard K. Vedder on Press TV
11/8/2012 “The Forgotten Men You Should Know About” Research Fellow Thomas J. DiLorenzo mentions Senior Fellow Ivan Eland and his book Recarving Rushmore on
11/8/2012 “What Tuesday’s Marijuana Victories Mean For The War On Drugs” Research Fellow Jeffrey A. Miron’s book Drug War Crimes is mentioned in Forbes
11/8/2012 “Why Don’t More Hospitals Compete on Quality?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless writes in Psychology Today
11/8/2012 “Don’t Despair” Research Fellow Anthony Gregory writes about election results in Eurasia Review
11/8/2012 “Marijuana Prohibition Going Up in Smoke? High Hopes for a Drug War Peace Dividend” Research Fellow Art Carden in Forbes
11/8/2012 “Reading John Goodman’s Priceless” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless cited in The Incidental Economist
11/7/2012 “Health Savings Accounts Force Health Providers to Compete” by John C. Goodman in The San Antonio Express-News
11/7/2012 “The Uncertainty Problem and the Great Recession” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs and his book Depression, War, and Cold War quoted in Media Research Center
11/6/2012 “Good Money Is Real Money” Research Fellow George Selgin’s book Good Money is reviewed in Laissez-Faire Books
11/6/2012 “MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and Entrepreneurial Professors” Research Fellow Alex Tabarrok’s online college topic on Washington Post blog
11/6/2012 “Becoming A Better Voter: Reading For The Next Election” by Research Fellow Art Carden in
11/5/2012 “Curing America’s Health Care Woes” Priceless by John C. Goodman is favorably reviewed in Barron’s
11/5/2012 “A Government Imposed Disaster: Price Controls in the Wake of Sandy” by Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell in The Huffington Post
11/5/2012 “Why Obama Must Go. No More Years” Research Fellow Anthony Gregory is quoted in article by Mike Whitney
11/5/2012 “Is Government Provision the Answer? (Part II)” by John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
11/5/2012 “What Money Can’t Buy” by John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless