Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
1/2/2013 “Law on liability insurance eyed for gun owners” Research Fellow Stephen Halbrook quoted in Washington Times
1/2/2013 “Should We Replace Medicaid with Block Grants to States?” By John C. Goodman, author of Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis
12/31/2012 No War for Oil author Ivan Eland quoted in international press for comments on modest defense cuts in fiscal cliff deals
12/31/2012 “Gun Buyback Programs Grow in Popularity After Sandy Hook Shooting” cites Research Director Alex Tabarrok in Outdoor Life
12/30/2012 “Not Every Intellectual Gunman Is A Hired Gun,” by Senior Fellow Robert Higgs in the Albany Times
12/28/2012 “Freedom: Because It Works Or Because It’s Right?”, by Senior Fellow Robert Higgs in the Albany Times
12/28/2012 “Guns flood into police buyback programs, though critics have doubts about the idea” Research Driector Alex Tabarrok quoted on NBC News online
12/27/2012 “Gun buyback programs gather federal support and national momentum” cites Research Director Alex Tabarrok in AllVoices
12/27/2012 “Climate Science vs Politics: The Road Ahead” By Research Fellow S. Fred Singer in American Thinker
12/27/2012 “The Amazingly Popular Bush Tax Cuts” By Research Fellow Randall Holcombe in Eurasia Review
12/27/2012 “How Unfair Is Medicaid Funding?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
12/26/2012 “Don’t Burden the Energy Industry With New Taxes” Independent Institute Founder and President David Theroux mentioned in US News and World Report online
12/26/2012 “How Wasteful Is Medicaid?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
12/24/2012 Listen In! “How Rising College Costs Hurt Families and Society”, interview with Vicki Alger
12/24/2012 Robert Higgs and his book, Depression, War and Cold War in American Thinker: “The Madness of Keynesian Economics”
12/24/2012 Good Money author George Selgin cited in Forbes: “Fear Not Deflation”
12/24/2012 Robert Higgs and his landmark book, Crisis and Leviathan cited in Washington Times: “Stemming the tide of government growth”
12/24/2012 “Environmental Protection Lessons from Ronald Reagan: ‘Trust but Verify’,” by S. Fred Singer in American Thinker
12/21/2012 “Reducing Defense...Cuts” By Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in Eurasia Review
12/21/2012 “Liberty Lessons: US Enterprises Forging Revolution Despite State Interventions” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs mentioned in Lanka Business Online (Sri Lanka)
12/20/2012 “Can The Federal Government Actually Encourage Job Creation?” By Independent Institute Counsel J. Geoffrey Colton in Forbes
12/20/2012 “How Bad Is Care under Medicaid?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
12/19/2012 “2012: The Year in Books, Reason writers pick the best books of the year” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs’ Crisis and Leviathan, 25th Anniversary Edition recommended by Judge Andrew Napolitano
12/18/2012 “Right to Work? Workers Vote with Their Feet” Senior Fellow Richard K. Vedder quoted in The Miami Herald
12/18/2012 “America’s Wars: The Gifts That Keep On Giving” Op-Ed by Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in EurasiaReview
12/18/2012 “How Will Medicaid Enrollees Fare Under Obamacare?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
12/17/2012 “Bay Area Gun Buyback: San Francisco And Oakland Offers Cash To Get Firearms Off The Street” Research Director Alex Tabarrok quoted in The Huffington Post
12/17/2012 “Two Cheers for the Bernanke Rule” Research Fellow David Beckworth quoted in
12/17/2012 “In Sweden, women make up 45% of parliament but only 13% of corporate leadership” in Quartz cites the The Independent Review, the quarterly journal of the Independent Institute
12/14/2012 “It Isn’t Easy Being Green” Research Fellow John C. Goodman reviews the book “Regulating to Disaster: How Green Jobs Policies Are Damaging America’s Economy” American Spectator
12/13/2012 “Repairing Obamacare” Op-Ed by John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in McClatchy syndicated newspapers
12/13/2012 “Historic Times For Monetary Policy” Research Fellow David Beckworth in

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless