Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
2/5/2013 “One Statement That Reveals All You Need To Know About Politics & Business” Research Fellow Randall Holcombe quoted in
2/4/2013 “Obama’s Climate Change Agenda” S. Fred Singer quoted in
2/4/2013 “How Much Will Your Health Insurance Cost?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
2/3/2013 “Wither freedom, wither liberty” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs is interviewed at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
2/1/2013 “Massachusetts, Connecticut Bills Would Require Gun Liability Insurance” Research Fellow Stephen Halbrook quoted in Outdoor Life
2/1/2013 “The Key to Successful Medicare Reform? – Entrepreneurs” John C. Goodman’s healthcare reforms in his book Priceless outlined on
2/1/2013 “Hagel’s Hearing: Profoundly Depressing” Research Fellow Winslow Wheeler on Time Magazine’s Battleland
2/1/2013 “The US Second Amendment Was Not Ratified To Preserve Slavery” Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in Eurasia Review
2/1/2013 “Could Wasteful Healthcare Spending Be Good for the Economy?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in The Healthcare Blog
2/1/2013 “The Real Problem with Highly Regulated ‘School Choice’” On Andrew Coulson quotes his 2002 article in The Independent Review titled “Giving Credit Where It’s Due Why Tax Credits Are Better Than Vouchers”
2/1/2013 Race and Liberty in America reviewed in Modern Age
2/1/2013 Race and Liberty in America reviewed at Acton Institute Power Blog
1/30/2013 Article “The Case Against Affirmative Action” by David O. Sacks and Peter A. Thiel (Stanford Alumni Magazine)
1/30/2013 “Women in Combat: Women’s Lib at Last?” Sr. Vice President Mary Theroux in the Huffington Post
1/30/2013 “Think Consumption Is The ‘Engine’ Of Our Economy? Think Again” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs mentioned in Forbes
1/30/2013 “Cuba’s Tortured Transition” By Research Fellow William Ratliff in Hoover Institution’s Defining Ideas
1/30/2013 “Nazi Gun Control Laws: a Familiar Road to Citizen Disarmament?” Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook mentioned in The New American
1/30/2013 “Why Wicksteed Matters” Peter Boettke, author of “Living Economics” mentioned in Laissez Faire Today
1/30/2013 “Will You Be Able to Keep Your Current Health Insurance?” By John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
1/29/2013 “Bad Parents, Poor Kids” John C. Goodman in Right Side News
1/29/2013 “Boettke on Living Economics” Research Fellow Peter Boettke talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about his book Living Economics
1/29/2013 “Where Private Health Insurance Is Headed” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
1/29/2013 “Foreign Policy And Defense In A Second Term” Op-Ed by Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in Eurasia Review
1/29/2013 “Carbon Tax Would Raise Unemployment, Not Swap Revenue” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs, author of Crisis and Leviathan quoted in Coal Power Magazine
1/29/2013 “EPA’s CO2 Regulations are NOT Based on Sound Science” Research Fellow Fred Singer mentioned in Coal Power Magazine
1/25/2013 “The Bellicosity of a Democrat’s Second Term” Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in the Huffington Post
1/24/2013 “Hey, Obama: who’s really ginning up fear in the USA?” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs quoted in Natural News
1/24/2013 “Armed School Guards Are Our Best Bet to Stop Future Newtowns” Op-Ed by Research Fellow Stephen Halbrook in Kansas City Star and other McClatchy-Tribune News Service publications.
1/24/2013 “The Names Behind The Collateral Damage” Op-Ed by Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in Eurasia Review
1/23/2013 “An Ally Out of Control” Op-Ed by Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in Media With Conscience
1/23/2013 “Powering the Pacific “Pivot” With Leon and Chuck” Winslow Wheeler in Time Magazine
1/23/2013 “The Greatest Purveyor Of Violence In The World” Op-Ed by Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in Eurasia Review

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless