Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
3/7/2013 “Disaster aid: Federal proposal might help Florida but not California” Op-Ed by Research Fellow Eli Lehrer in The San Jose Mercury News
3/6/2013 “After Hugo Chavez, what’s next for Venezuela (and the world)?” Alvaro Vargas Llosa quoted in The Week
3/6/2013 “Don’t Rely On A Quack Doctor” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs in Eurasia Review
3/6/2013 “Military Readiness–for What?” Senior Fellow Ivan Eland mentioned in The American Conservative
3/6/2013 “Sequester, minimum wage and jobs” Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell cited in The Toledo Free Press
3/6/2013 “Obama’s Persecution of Bradley Manning” Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in The Huffington Post
3/6/2013 “Will More Preventive Care Help Reduce Healthcare Costs?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
3/5/2013 “The Anatomy of Climate Science Hype” Fred Singer in The American Thinker NY Times Places Politics Before Science
3/5/2013 “How Obamacare Will Affect Immigrants” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis in Psychology Today
3/4/2013 “How Liberals Live” Research Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless on
3/4/2013 “The Sequester ‘Crisis’ And What Should Be Done” Research Fellow Winslow Wheeler quoted by Ron Paul in
2/28/2013 “Hold US Policymakers To Their Abysmal Record On Foreign Meddling” Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in Eurasia Review
2/28/2013 “From War to Welfare: How Taxes and Entitlements Begin with Militarism” Ivan Eland in The American Conservative
2/27/2013 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell to appear on the nationally syndicated The Schilling Radio Show Friday, March 1st at 12:45pm ET discussing Powell’s Op-Ed in The Huffington Post on the minimum wage debate.
2/27/2013 “Californian Minorities, Low-Income Seniors Fear Obamacare’s Latest Pinch” Lindsay Boyd Op-Ed inThe Daily Caller
2/27/2013 “The Criminology of Firearms” Research Fellow Don Kates on says gun bans are not only ineffective, but may even be counterproductive.
2/27/2013 Obamacare and the Early Retiree” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
2/26/2013 “The Pentagon’s Incredible $1.5 Trillion Mistake” Research Fellow Winslow Wheeler quoted in The Fiscal Times about the F-35 fighter airplane
2/26/2013 “Top Alternatives to Paper Money” Research Fellow George Selgin’s book Good Money mentioned on
2/26/2013 “Is Gun Insurance Constitutional?” Research Fellow and author The Founders’ Second Amendment Stephen P. Halbrook appears on Justice with Judge Jeanine Pirro on Fox News Channel
2/25/2013 “What’s Immoral For The Private Goose Is Moral For The Government Gander?” Op-Ed by Senior Fellow Robert Higgs in Eurasia Review
2/25/2013 “What Is Liberalism?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in
2/25/2013 “Flawed F-35 Fighter Too Big to Kill as Lockheed Hooks 45 States” Research Fellow Winslow Wheeler quoted in Business Week
2/25/2013 Group Examines Effectiveness of Gun Buybacks. Alex Tabarrok Tells KGO-TV Gun Buybacks Don’t Stop Criminals
2/25/2013 “Obamacare and the Small-Business Owner” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
2/22/2013 “Get Ready for Your Huge New ObamaCare Health Insurance Tax” Communication Director Lindsay Boyd’s column in Forbes is quoted and linked on Human Events
2/21/2013 “The Federal Reserve’s First Century” Research Fellow Randall Holcombe in Eurasia Review
2/20/2013 “Immigration Reform Must Look Beyond Today” Op-Ed by Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa in Bloomberg News
2/20/2013 “Obamacare’s Marriage Penalty” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
2/20/2013 “Minimum Wage Merry Go Round” Sr. Fellow Ben Powell in The Huffington Post Mandates Harm Those Intended to Help
2/19/2013 “Drone Danger: Making War Too Easy” Op-Ed by Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in Consortium News
2/19/2013 “Conservative Think Tanks on Health Care” By John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Right Side News

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless