Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
7/22/2010 Nation building in Afghanistan: Ivan Eland quoted in the St. Petersburg Times
7/21/2010 BP and the Tragedy of the Commons: William Shughart in Human Events
7/21/2010 Preventing another Deepwater disaster: William Shughart in the Sacramento Bee
7/14/2010 The U.S. Department of Transportation's 'five year plan' Gabriel Roth quoted in the Hawaii Reporter
7/14/2010 Vargas Llosa in the Globe and Mail: "A spy ring’s mediocrity exposes Russia’s decadence "
7/13/2010 Obama's Crisis is GOP's opportunity: Robert Higgs cited in the L.A. Times
7/9/2010 Maybe There's Another Way To Look At Polls: Ivan Eland in the Tyler Morning Telegraph
7/9/2010 Ivan Eland cited by Gene Healy of the Cato Institute in the San Francisco Examiner on the Siena Research Institute's liberal-biased presidential rankings
7/8/2010 “New Book on Eminent Domain and Property Rights Available” (Make Differences)
7/7/2010 Charles Peña on BBC: The McChrystal affair and it's consequences.
7/7/2010 “The majority opinion in McDonald v. Chicago shines a light on a dark period in American history” Sr. Fellow Stephen P. Holbrook, author of Securing Civil Rights cited in National Review
7/6/2010 Higgs on Antiwar radio: Causes and consequences of leviathan sized government
7/6/2010 Peña on CNBC'S July 2nd Ron Insana show opines on the cost and rationale of the war in Afghanistan
6/29/2010 Watkins on Late Nights with Jim Bohannon: When appointing new judges, let the people decide
6/29/2010 William Watkins on NPR: A role for the people in judicial selection
6/28/2010 Vargas Llosa in the Deseret News condemns Chavez's stranglehold on media outlets
6/28/2010 Watkins in San Jose Mercury News: "Abandon the 'Ginsburg Rule' for Supreme Court candidates"
6/28/2010 Robert Higgs in the Christian Science Monitor: Keynesian spending rationalizes DC’s insatiable power-grabbing, hinders recovery
6/27/2010 William Shughart on Obama's misguided Gulf spill policies in the Clarion-Ledger. This article also ran in the Vicksburg Post.
6/25/2010 Watkins in the Washington Examiner: A role for the people in judicial selection
6/23/2010 Robert Higgs in the CSM:How Keynesian spending rationalizes Washington's power-grabbing
6/22/2010 "Out of Work" disproves Great Depression myth in the Washington Examiner
6/17/2010 Robert Higgs in the Washington Times: "Will oil drilling become a pipe dream?"
6/16/2010 Vargas Llosa in the Deseret News: "Global goals: Politics, soccer converge at World Cup"
6/15/2010 The New Holy Wars reviewed in The Journal of Faith and the Academy
6/11/2010 Robert Nelson in Miami Herald on the science of the Gulf oil disaster
6/11/2010 William Shughart in Washington Times: Obama has still not learned that the New Deal prolonged and deepened the Great Depression
6/9/2010 “God and Oil Spills,” by Robert H. Nelson in the Denver Post, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Kansas City Star, and ten other papers
6/4/2010 Alex Tabarrok in The Wall Street Journal: "Capitalism: Hollywood's Miscast Villain"
6/3/2010 Vargas Llosa in the Deseret News: The wonders of a united Hebron.
6/1/2010 Race and Liberty in America reviewed in Catholic Library World
6/1/2010 Race and Liberty in America reviewed in The Social Science Journal

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