Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
4/26/2013 “Achieving ObamaCare Goals without ObamaCare” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis in Right Side News
4/26/2013 “Income tax gets progressively complicated” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs, author of Crisis and Leviathan mentioned in The Star Press (IN)
4/26/2013 Research Fellow Anthony Gregory, author of The Power of Habeas Corpus in America appears on The Scott Horton Radio Show
4/24/2013 “Hans Rosling and the Magic Washing Machine: A Lesson” Op-Ed by Research Fellow Art Carden in Forbes
4/24/2013 “The Fractured Left” Shale Gas Windfall vs Democratic Irrational Fears. Robert H. Nelson in The Weekly Standard
4/22/2013 “Why ObamaCare May Cost You Your Job” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in
4/22/2013 “What Is The Threshold For Martial Law?” Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in Eurasia Review
4/22/2013 “Targeted Killings In The Drone War: Illegal And Unconstitutional” Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in Eurasia Review
4/22/2013 “The Boston Lockdown: Bill of what?” Research Fellow Anthony Gregory cited in The Examiner
4/22/2013 “How Our Healthcare System Has Us Trapped” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
4/22/2013 “U.S. Foreign Policy Amid Federal Cuts” Senior Fellow Ivan Eland appears on WHDT World News
4/19/2013 “Dangerous Situation in Boston” Senior Fellow Charles Pena Offers Expert Analysis on CNBC-TV Interview
4/19/2013 “Climate Change Conversation Aborted” S. Fred Singer Op-Ed in American Thinker
4/19/2013 “The Untold Story of Antiwar Conservatives” The Independent Institute mentioned in The American Conservative
4/19/2013 “David Koresh’s Revenge: Waco and 20 Years of State Terror” Research Fellow Anthony Gregory on
4/19/2013 “North Korea is Like a Misbehaving Child—Ignore it” Senior Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in Media With Conscience
4/19/2013 “Boston, and the Future of IEDs in America” Op-Ed by Charles Pena in the Daily Caller
4/17/2013 “Soaking California taxpayers, again” by Lloyd Billingsley in the Los Angeles Times
4/17/2013 Ryan Yonk: “California’s anti-chemical campaign” in The Washington Times
4/17/2013 New Video! Anthony Gregory on “Waco, Twenty Years Later—What State Power Is All About”
4/17/2013 “Five Perverse Incentives of the New Health Insurance Regulations” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
4/15/2013 “The Coming Clash over Insurers’ Compliance with Obamacare” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
4/13/2013 John Goodman writes about “Thatchers Enemies” in Townhall
4/12/2013 Ben Powell in the Huffington Post: Happy Tax Freedom Day?
4/12/2013 In California, leading the wrong way on bisphenol: Ryan Yonk in Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, among others
4/11/2013 Fracking becomes bipartisan as both parties see economic benefits- Robert Nelson cited in the Washington Times
4/11/2013 Healthcare for the Poor- An Alternative by John Goodman in Psychology Today
4/10/2013 “Healthcare for the Poor: An Alternative to Obamacare” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
4/10/2013 The New Holy Wars reviewed in Environmental Ethics
4/8/2013 “The Coming Healthcare Cuts for Seniors and the Disabled” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
4/8/2013 Winslow Wheeler in TIME MAGAZINE: Smoke & Mirrors Alert: Pentagon’s 2014 Budget Proposal Drops Wednesday
4/5/2013 “The Totalitarianism Of Universal Background Checks” Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in Eurasia Review

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