Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
2/19/2013 “The World Goes to Monetary War” Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa in Heartland Institute Newsletter
2/19/2013 “Immigration Reform Must Look Beyond Today” Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings Op-Ed in Bloomberg
2/18/2013 “Young Adults and the Affordable Care Act” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
2/18/2013 Why Sequester Spending Cuts a Big Yawn by Craig Eyermann
2/15/2013 “The Unsung, But Massive Obamacare Sales Tax Increase ” Lindsay Boyd in Forbes on the Looming $101.7 Billion Tax
2/14/2013 “European missile shield fails to protect US: Defense Department” Senior Fellow Ivan Eland interviewed on Press TV
2/14/2013 “God and Climate Change” Op-Ed in USA Today by Senior Fellow Robert H. Nelson
2/14/2013 “God and Climate Change: Obama Has Brought Religion Back Into the Environmental Conversation,” by Robert H. Nelson in USA Today
2/14/2013 The New Holy Wars is reviewed in
2/13/2013 “For Good Public Policy Health” Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis by John C. Goodman is reviewed on The John Locke Foundation’s Carolina Journal Online
2/13/2013 “What Does History Say About When the Government Tried to Restrict Guns in the Past?” Stephen Halbrook mentioned on The Blaze
2/13/2013 “Fred Singer on the Myths of Politically Correct Science” S. Fred Singer is interviewed by The Daily Bell
2/13/2013 “Does Congress Have Power to Regulate Guns?” Op-Ed by Research Fellow William J. Watkins in Christian Science Monitor
2/13/2013 The Founders’ Second Amendment By Stephen Halbrook is reviewed in Law and Politics Book Review
2/13/2013 “How Will Obamacare Affect Health Savings Accounts?” by John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
2/12/2013 “Obamacare and the Medicare Trust Fund” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis in Psychology Today
2/12/2013 Living Econcomics:Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow By Peter Boettke is reviewed in Economic Affairs
2/12/2013 “Why do civilians need assault weapons?” Research Fellow Stephen Halbrook quoted in American Thinker
2/11/2013 “Beyond Politics: How to Think about Government Failure” Senior Fellow Randy T. Simmons, author of Beyond Politics: The Roots of Government Failure on Liberty Fund’s Liberty Law Talk podcast
2/11/2013 “Debunking the “Pro-Gun Myth” Debunker” Research Fellow Don Kates quotes in TheTruth
2/11/2013 “New Gun Rights Resource Site Now Available” Independent Institute’s Firearms, Violence, and the Second Amendment webpage featured on The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action website,
2/8/2013 “Breakfast with a Side of Economics” Research Fellow Art Carden speaks at The Leadership Institute.
2/8/2013 “Experts Say Gun Buybacks Not Answer to Violent Crime” Research Director Alex Tabarrok interviewed by Seatlle’s KIRO-TV
2/8/2013 “The End of the Latin American Left: Will Hugo Chávez’s revolution die with him?” Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa in Foreign Policy
2/7/2013 “Economist Laughs at White House’s Latest Attempt to Innovate” Research Director Alex Tabarrok quoted in Upstart Business Journal
2/7/2013 “Why I Am More Egalitarian Than Most Liberals on Health Care” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Right Side News
2/7/2013 “Is Inequality Stunting the Recovery?” Research Fellow and Director of Burton Abrams Op-Ed in The Washington Examiner
2/7/2013 “How Will Obamacare Affect Medicare Patients?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
2/6/2013 “The 100th Anniversary of the Income Tax and the Lesson We Should Learn from that Mistake” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs, author of Crisis and Leviathan cited on
2/6/2013 “UN Report Admits Solar Warming May be Greater Than Thought” Research Fellow S. Fred Singer mentioned in The New American
2/5/2013 “New Editors at The Independent Review” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs mentioned by Research Fellow Alex Tabarrok in Marginal Revolution
2/5/2013 “‘Sin Tax’ Costs Outweigh Benefits” Op-Ed by Senior Fellow William F. Shughart II in U.S.News & World Report

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless