Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
12/13/2012 “The Cliff Hangs on the Fed: Why Ben Bernanke Controls the Economy’s Fat” By David Beckworth, author of Boom and Bust Banking in The Atlantic
12/13/2012 “How Much Should The Federal Government Subsidize Retirement? - Part II” By John C. Goodman, author of Priceless on
12/13/2012 “Fiscal Cliff not Expected to be a Disaster for Tampa” Research Fellow Randall Holcombe quoted in Tampa Tribune
12/12/2012 “Will Budget Cuts Threaten the Future of the Pricey F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Jet?” Research Fellow Winslow Wheeler interviewed on Take Two KPCC Southern California Public Radio
12/12/2012 “Canada’s Contentious F-35 Figures in Danger of Falling off U.S. Fiscal Cliff” By Research Fellow Winslow Wheeler in The Prince Albert (Canada) Daily Herald among others.
12/12/2012 “Canada’s Benefit from F-35 Work a Question Mark”Research Fellow Winslow Wheeler quoted in Winnipeg (Canada) Free Press
12/12/2012 “Obama Finds a Treaty His Base Doesn’t Like” in GOPUSA cites the Independent Institute’s critique of the “war on drugs”
12/12/2012 “Krugman Attacks Us” By Independent Institute Founder and President David Theroux in EurasiaReview
12/12/2012 “The Fiscal Cliff: Worst-Case Scenarios” By Research Fellow Randall Holcombe in EurasiaReview
12/10/2012 “Romanticizing Taxation: The irresistible temptation to spend other people’s money” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs author of Crisis and Leviathan quoted on
12/10/2012 “US Intelligence: Redundancy Increases As Budget Pressure Mounts” Senior Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in
12/10/2012 “Paul Krugman doesn’t have private health insurance” by John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Healthcare Payer News
12/10/2012 “Three Advantages of Malpractice Reform” by John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
12/7/2012 “Help the Family: Privatize and Depoliticize” David Theroux, Founder and President of The Independent Institute in World Net Daily
12/7/2012 “It’s the Culture, Stupid” Research Fellow William Ratliff in Defining Ideas
12/7/2012 “Anti-Science Climate Deniers On The Retreat In Germany” Research Fellow S. Fred Singer in Forbes - treated like “a rock star” at European climate change conference.
12/7/2012 “Grover Norquist May be Mocked in D.C., but He’s a Hero to Taxpayers” Op-Ed by Senior Fellow William F. Shughart in Newsday (NY) among others
12/6/2012 “Medicare is Unsustainable in Current Form: Fiscal Cliff Negotiations are a Good Place to Start” John C. Goodman and his book Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis are quoted on
12/6/2012 “Reforming the Tort System, Part 3: Freeing the Experts and the Courts” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
12/6/2012 “Obama’s Mandate; Republican Disarray; The Fiscal Cliff” By Research Fellow Randall Holcombe in Eurasia Review
12/6/2012 “Assad Is A Monster, But. . . ” By Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in Eurasia Review
12/5/2012 “States Thumb Their Noses at the Drug War” By Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in The Huffington Post
12/5/2012 “Is the Fleet Steaming Forward...Or Backward?” By Research Fellow Winslow Wheeler in Time Magazine
12/5/2012 “High Hopes: Does Legalised Marijuana Have A Future?” Jeffrey Miron, author of Drug War Crimes: The Consequences of Prohibition quoted in Economy Watch
12/4/2012 “More Than the Navy’s Numbers Could Be Sinking” By Research Fellow Winslow Wheeler in Time Magazine
12/3/2012 “The Fiscal Cliff” by Research Fellow Randall Holcombe in
12/3/2012 “Can a Grand Bargain Ever Work?” by John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in
12/3/2012 “Reforming the Tort System, Part 2: Freeing the Doctor” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
12/3/2012 “Sugar Tariffs are Sweet for Special Interests, Sour for the Rest of Us” Research Fellow Art Carden in The Daily Caller
12/3/2012 “GAO Report: US on Unsustainable Long-Term Fiscal Path” Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell quoted in The Daily Caller
12/3/2012 “If More Money Buys a Smaller Fleet, What Will Less Money Buy?” By Research Fellow Winslow Wheeler in Time Magazine
11/30/2012 “Obamacare Already Behind Schedule” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless, appears on Fox News Channel Special Report

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