Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
10/10/2012 John C. Goodmanappears on The Wells Report on KSKY (Dallas) radio with host Jon-David Wells
10/10/2012 John C. Goodman appears on Orlando, FL WFHT radio show Voice for Freedom Wed. Oct. 17
10/10/2012 John C. Goodman to appear on nationally syndicated radio show Point of View with Kerby Anderson and Penna Dexter on Fri. Oct. 19 at 3pm Eastern Time.
10/10/2012 “The Racist Brutality Of Stop-And-Frisk” by Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in Eurasia Review”
10/10/2012 “Why Obama’s Healthcare Mandate Will Fail” Chapter from Priceless by John C. Goodman is read by Stefan Molyneux on
10/9/2012 Priceless author John C. Goodman appears on The Gary R’nel Show on WPHT radio in Philadelphia.
10/9/2012 John C. Goodman, author of Priceless, appears on Charley Freedman Show on KSCO radio in Santa Cruz, CA
10/9/2012 “Indian Genocide and Republican Power” by Research Fellow Thomas J. DiLorenzo in Consortium News
10/8/2012 “ACA: An Impossible Mandate” by John C. Goodman in Psychology Today
10/8/2012 Priceless: Chapter 15 ” Priceless By Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, is reviewed in The Incidental Economist
10/7/2012 Priceless: Chapter2 12-14 ” Priceless By Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, is reviewed in The Incidental Economist
10/6/2012 “Worse Than Death Panels” by Priceless author John C. Goodman in Townhall
10/5/2012 “Healthcare Hubris”: Priceless author John C. Goodman is interviewed at World Magazine
10/5/2012 “Powerful Prescription-John Goodman Offers a Cure for What Ails American Healthcare” Priceless is reviewed in World Magazine
10/5/2012 Priceless: Chapter 11 ” Priceless By Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, is reviewed in The Incidental Economist
10/4/2012 “The Justice System’s Imprisonment of Innocent Citizens” by Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in The Huffington Post
10/4/2012 “Can Personalized Care Survive ObamaCare’s Assembly Line Medicine?” by Priceless John C. Goodman in Right Side News
10/4/2012 Priceless favorably reviewed in Regulation Magazine (pdf)
10/3/2012 “Strengthening Alliances in East Asia Is the Wrong Way to Go” by Senior Fellow Ivan Eland
10/3/2012 “HSAs Force Health Providers to Compete” by Priceless author John C. Goodman in Psychology Today
10/3/2012 Priceless: Chapter 10” Priceless By Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, is reviewed in The Incidental Economist
10/2/2012 “Waste, Waste Everywhere and Not a Dime to Spare” by Priceless author John C. Goodman in Psychology Today
10/2/2012 “The Wretched US Nationalization Of School Lunch” by Research Fellow Anthony Gregory in Eurasia Review
10/1/2012 “Online Education Experiments at the Margin” on Alex Tabarrok’s online economics course makes impact
10/1/2012 “UN General Assembly Wrapup” Senior Fellow Ivan Eland is interviewed on CCTV- Central China Television
10/1/2012 Priceless: Chapters 8-9 ” Priceless By Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, is reviewed in The Incidental Economist
10/1/2012 “Why Can’t We Be Like France? How the Right to Bear Arms Got Left Out of the Declaration of Rights and How Gun Registration Was Decreed Just in Time for the Nazi Occupation,” by Senior Fellow Stephen Halbrook (Fordham Urban Law Journal)
9/30/2012 “HSAs force health providers to compete” by Priceless author John C. Goodman in the San Francisco Chronicle
9/30/2012 Research Fellow Jeffrey Miron (author, Drug War Crimes) to address the Walden Forum in Wayland, MA, October 2, in support of legalizing medical marijuana
9/29/2012 “How Much Do We Owe?” by Research Fellow John C. Goodman at Townhall
9/29/2012 “Want to Help the Poor? Promote a Free Market in Health Care”: Priceless author John C. Goodman is interviewed by Timothy Dalrymple at Patheos
9/29/2012 Priceless: Chapter 6-7” Priceless By Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, is reviewed in The Incidental Economist

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless