Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
6/28/2012 Based on his new book, Priceless, Research Fellow John C. Goodman responds to Supreme Court’s upholding of Obamacare mandates
6/28/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman in Daily Caller on “Let’s repeal and replace Obamacare”
6/28/2012 Priceless favorably reviewed and featured in “Finally, the Truth about Health Care” at Laissez Faire Today
6/27/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless, is interviewed on CBN News Channel
6/27/2012 Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis favorably cited at Reason’s “Hit & Run” blog
6/26/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman, author of “Priceless” in Forbes op-ed “Health Insurance Must Change: Here’s How To Change It”
6/25/2012 Ivan Eland discusses his new book No War For Oil: U.S. Dependency and the Middle East on Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton
6/24/2012 Priceless cited at Newsmax in “Medical Tourism Is on the Rise”
6/23/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman on “The HMO in Your Future” at Townhall
6/22/2012 Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis favorably reviewed at the influential blog Marginal Revolution
6/22/2012 ALERT: Research Fellow John C. Goodman to be on Fox & Friends on Friday, 6/22, at 6 a.m. ET discussing his new book “Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis”
6/21/2012 ALERT: Research Fellow John C. Goodman on Stossel on Thursday, 6/21, at 9 p.m. ET and various times over the weekend discussing Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis
6/21/2012 John C. Goodman is interviewed on post-Obamacare healthcare reform at “Coffee and Markets”
6/20/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman’s new book “Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis” is reviewed positively in The American Spectator
6/19/2012 John Goodman’s article “Why Prices Matter Part II” appears at Health Affairs
6/19/2012 NEW RELEASE: Purchase your copy of John C. Goodman’s groundbreaking book Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis TODAY!
6/18/2012 John Goodman’s article “Why Prices Matter” appears at Health Affairs
6/18/2012 Research Fellow Art Carden in Washington Examiner article “Dear TSA: I am not your customer”
6/16/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman on “Does Unequal Mean Unfair” at Townhall
6/15/2012 Research Fellow Roger Koppl with Monique Ferraro in Daily Caller article “Digital devices and miscarriages of justice”
6/14/2012 The Independent Review article by Aviezer Tucker “Bully U: Central Planning and Higher Education” cited in The Times Higher Education
6/13/2012 John C. Goodman interviewed on “Obamacare vs. Romneycare 2.0” at Real News from The Blaze
6/13/2012 Boston Globe article “Health care system needs more freedom and competition, not less” cites John Goodman’s forthcoming book Priceless
6/13/2012 Research Fellow Winslow Wheeler in TIME article “Think-Tanked: Old Wine in Dark Bottles”
6/12/2012 John C. Goodman on “Repeal and Replace: An Alternative to ObamaCare” (Heartland Institute)
6/11/2012 The Independent Review article by Aviezer Tucker attacked by Queen’s University Belfast for whistleblowing on “University lecturers ’pressured to make sure nobody failed exams’” (The Independent U.K.)
6/11/2012 Research Fellow Fred Singer article in the American Thinker “’Cap and Trade’ for CO2 Needs a Stake Through the Heart”
6/10/2012 The New Holy Wars reviewed in Journal of Church and State
6/9/2012 John C. Goodman in Townhall article discussing inequality
6/9/2012 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs’s book Delusions of Power is excerpted in the Wall Street Journal’s “Notable and Quotable”
6/8/2012 James Grant cites Senior Fellow Robert Higgs in the Wall Street Journal on his book Depression, War and Cold War
6/7/2012 Research Fellow John Goodman on WSJ Opinion Journal Live discussing his forthcoming book “Priceless”

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless