Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
4/16/2012 Research Fellow John Goodman discusses in Roll Call “How Conservatives Can Erase the Gender Gap”
4/15/2012 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in Forbes: “What Do the Titanic and Your Smartphone Have In Common?”, by Adam Thierer
4/15/2012 Race and Liberty in America reviewed in The Evangelical Review of Society and Politics
4/15/2012 The New Holy Wars reviewed in Journal of Markets & Morality
4/12/2012 Research Fellow and Author of Financing Failure Vern McKinley in Washington Times op-ed “Bernanke’s fairy tale recession story for kids”
4/12/2012 Research Fellow Dominick T. Armentano cited in CBS News article “DOJ may lose e-book antitrust suit against Apple”
4/11/2012 Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa in Investor’s Business Daily op-ed “Brazilian Economy Threatened By Bloated Government”
4/11/2012 Research Fellow Fred Singer in American Thinker: “Cheap Natural Gas Heralds an Energy Revolution”
4/11/2012 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell in Daily Caller article “Time to end our unwinnable drug war”
4/11/2012 Research Fellow John Goodman cited in Washington Examiner: “Our government caused drug shortage”
4/11/2012 “Cheap Natural Gas Heralds an Energy Revolution” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
4/10/2012 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell discusses how “Realtors ‘clean house’ by stifling the competition” in The Herald News
4/10/2012 The New Holy Wars reviewed in The Journal of Religion
4/9/2012 Research Fellow Winslow T. Wheeler in Time article “Lies, Damned Lies and The Pentagon’s Latest Budget Numbers”
4/9/2012 Research Director Alex Tabarrok cited in The Economist article “Place-dependent output”
4/6/2012 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited at The Freeman in “Is Serfdom an Executive Order Away? National Defense Resources Preparedness”
4/5/2012 Research Fellow Art Carden in Forbes article “The Association of Private Enterprise Education is Decadent and Depraved: 2012”
4/5/2012 “Free the American West: Get the Federal Government Off Public Lands That Are of No National Importance,” by Robert H. Nelson in The Los Angeles Times
4/5/2012 “Climategate Heads to Court” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
4/5/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman cited in Forbes article “Would Democrats Block a Republican Plan for Universal Coverage, Out of Spite?”
4/2/2012 Research Editor Anthony Gregory in Huffington Post op-ed “Ubiquitous Hypocrisy on Health Care and the Individual Mandate”
4/1/2012 Race and Liberty in America reviewed in Ethnicity and Race in a Changing World: A Review Journal
3/31/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman’s commentary “Mandates Vs. Free-Riders”
3/31/2012 Research Fellow John Goodman at Townhall: “Mandates vs. Free-Riders”
3/30/2012 Research Fellow Art Carden in U.S. News & World Report commentary “Taxing Sugar Will Do More Harm Than Good”
3/29/2012 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in Forbes op-ed “Outrageous Forced Contracts Could Become Legal If Obamacare Mandate Is Upheld”
3/28/2012 Research Fellow Fred Singer in American Thinker article “The Gas Price Kerfuffle: Obama’s Achilles Heel?”
3/28/2012 New commentary “Russia Is Not Public Enemy Number One” by Senior Fellow Ivan Eland
3/28/2012 “The Gas Price Kerfuffle: Obama’s Achilles Heel?” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
3/27/2012 Senior Fellow Robert H. Nelson in Forbes article “Environmentalism: The New Religion Freely Taught In Schools”
3/27/2012 “Environmentalism: The New Religion Freely Taught In Schools,” by Robert H. Nelson in Forbes
3/26/2012 Research Fellow John C. Goodman in National Center for Policy Analysis piece “Lying About Health Reform”

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