Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
3/25/2012 Senior Fellow Richard Vedder cited in Chicago Tribune article “Has college become too easy?”
3/22/2012 Ivan Eland article in Press TV Online “NYPD should leave Muslims alone”
3/22/2012 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs on “The Current Models Have Nothing to Say”
3/20/2012 Anthony Gregory in Eurasia Review op-ed “You Call This A War? I’ll Show You A War”
3/20/2012 Senior Vice President Mary Theroux cited in the New York Post: “The ‘I lied to the police and got him thrown in jail’ act”
3/16/2012 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in Fiscal Times article “The High Cost of Low Interest Rates”
3/16/2012 New Art Carden commentary in Forbes “How Starbucks Made My Friday and Taught Me About Economic Progress”
3/15/2012 Research Fellow Vern McKinley in Investor Business Daily article “Timothy Geithner’s Bailout Legacy Not One To Be Proud Of”
3/12/2012 Senior Fellow Richard Vedder in Bloomberg article “Study Abroad, Goof Off and Fool Your Future Boss”
3/12/2012 Senior Fellow Robert H. Nelson favorably cited in The Hill: “Free the American West (but Western lands could trigger revolt)”
3/11/2012 Research Fellow Richard Vedder cited in Chicago Tribune article “A GED for college?: Grads with degrees are filling traditionally blue-collar jobs”
3/9/2012 Senior Vice President Mary Theroux in the Washington Examiner: “God, women and the nanny state”
3/9/2012 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs favorably cited in Boston Globe: “What about the growth of the labor force?”
3/9/2012 Senior Fellow William Shughart cited in /Yahoo Finance article “The Financial History of Daylight Saving”
3/7/2012 Senior Fellow Robert H. Nelson in Los Angeles Times article “Free the American West: Get the federal government off public lands that are of no national importance”
3/7/2012 Research Fellow Fred Singer in American Thinker article “EPA Endangers Human Health and Welfare”
3/6/2012 Research Director Alex Tabarrok cited in National Review: “Alex Tabarrok on the College Dropout Rate”
3/4/2012 Research Director Alex Tabarrok in Chronicle of Higher Education on “Tuning In to Dropping Out”
3/4/2012 Research Fellow S. Fred Singer on “Europe’s Airline Tax Lacks Science Support” in American Thinker
3/4/2012 “Europe’s Airline Tax Lacks Science Support” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
2/29/2012 “Climate Deniers Are Giving Us Skeptics a Bad Name” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
2/29/2012 Research Fellow Fred Singer: “Climate Deniers Are Giving Us Skeptics a Bad Name” in the American Thinker
2/29/2012 ALERT: Research Fellow Art Carden on NPR with Tom Ashbrook March 1st at 10:30 am ET.
2/28/2012 Research Fellow Art Carden in Christian Science Monitor article “Trade Creates Wealth. Regulation Destroys It”
2/25/2012 Research Fellow Fred Singer in American Thinker on Obama’s policy of high energy prices: “Obama Skins the Cat”
2/25/2012 “Obama Skins the Cat” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
2/21/2012 Senior Fellow Charles V. Peña in the Washington Times article “Overspending due to mission creep”
2/21/2012 Research Fellow Dominick T. Armentano in San Antonio Express News article “Small government, big military incompatible”
2/20/2012 Los Angeles Times article “Gun owners hope to win the right to carry concealed weapons” cites Research Fellow Stephen Halbrook
2/20/2012 “The Heartland Institute Flap” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
2/17/2012 Research Fellow Fred Singer mentioned in The Orange County Register article “Global-warming skeptics gaining upper hand”
2/15/2012 New commentary from Senior Fellow Ivan Eland “Provocations Against Iran Follow a Rich Tradition”

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