Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
1/15/2012 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell cited in The Miami Herald regarding economical job preservation
1/15/2012 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs on “Regime Uncertainty, Then and Now” in The Freeman
1/14/2012 Jonathan Bean interviewed about Race and Liberty in America on Stossel on Fox Business Channel
1/12/2012 Research Editor Anthony Gregory quoted in USA Today commentary “Restrict FCC power to police airwaves?”
1/12/2012 Ivan Eland in San Antonio News article “How America could avoid returning to Iraq”
1/12/2012 Research Fellow Art Carden in Forbes commentary “Dear Student: I Don’t Lie Awake At Night Thinking of Ways to Ruin Your Life”
1/11/2012 Research Editor Anthony Gregory in The Huffington Post discussing “The Indecency of the FCC”
1/11/2012 Research Fellow Vern McKinley Interviewed on Schiff Radio by Peter Schiff on his new book Financing Failure: A Century of Bailouts
1/11/2012 New commentary from Ivan Eland “Don’t Count on Obama’s Defense Cuts”
1/10/2012 Research Fellow Vern McKinley discusses the history of bailouts and his new book Financing Failure with KCMO Talk Radio
1/6/2012 Senior Fellow Charles V. Peña commentary “Keystone Cops Logic” regarding the economic sanctions being placed on Iran
1/6/2012 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland discusses the contents of his new book “No War for Oil” with the National Center for Policy Analysis
1/3/2012 New commentary from Senior Fellow Ivan Eland, “How to Avoid a Return to Iraq”
1/2/2012 Research Fellow Fred Singer discusses global warming in American Thinker article “Fake! Fake! Fake! Fake!”
1/2/2012 “Fake! Fake! Fake! Fake!” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
1/1/2012 Race and Liberty in America reviewed in Liberty Magazine
12/30/2011 Research Fellow Art Carden reflects on 2011 highlights in Forbes article “It’s the End of the Year As We Know It”
12/30/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs on “Government Officials Want You to Know that Your Earnings Belong to Them” at
12/29/2011 Research Director Alex Tabarrok quoted in Philadelphia Inquirer article “Camden collects 57 guns in exchange for grocery vouchers” regarding gun buyback programs
12/29/2011 Research Fellow Gabriel Roth answers the question “Who should pay for highways?” for the Sacramento Bee
12/28/2011 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland’s recent article “Sometimes, Bad-Tasting Medicine Needs to Be Swallowed”
12/23/2011 Research Fellow Art Carden’s Forbes article “Last-Minute Gifts: Spectacular? Special? Spirit of Retsyn?”
12/22/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in nationally syndicated column by John Stossel, “Obamacare Abominations”
12/21/2011 Art Carden in Christian Science Monitor article “Are economy experts less likely to give to charity?”
12/20/2011 Fox Business article “Government Files Anti-Trust Lawsuit Against Itself!” quotes Senior Fellow Robert Higgs
12/20/2011 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland interview with Iran English Radio regarding “Fresh protests of the Bahraini people against Ale Khalifa dynasty”
12/20/2011 Research Director Alex Tabarrok in The Atlantic article “The No-Brainer Issue of the Year: Let High-Skill Immigrants Stay”
12/19/2011 Research Fellow John Goodman in Wall Street Journal: “Why Mandated Health Insurance Is Unfair”
12/18/2011 Art Carden’s new column in Forbes “Ruining Christmas: An Economist’s Guide”
12/17/2011 “The Mask Slips: The Durban meeting shows that climate policy and climate science inhabit parallel worlds” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Letter to the Editor in Nature
12/16/2011 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell discusses with MSN Money the current administration’s “report card”
12/15/2011 Research Editor Anthony Gregory in Huffington Post article “It’s Up to the Public to Vindicate Bill of Rights Day”

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless