Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
10/13/2011 Research Fellow Art Carden discusses the Occupy Wall Street protests in Forbes
10/13/2011 Reason cites Research Editor Anthony Gregory regarding the Occupy Wall Street protestors
10/13/2011 ALERT: Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell to be on Fox Business Network’s “Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano,” this weekend, October 14-16.
10/13/2011 Ivan Eland article “The Legal Rationale for Whacking Awlaki Is Flimsy”
10/12/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs in the New American article “Top Economists Tell How to Grow Jobs”
10/12/2011 Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa in Forbes discussing “Do Obama’s Re-Election Chances Ride On A U.S. Bailout Of Europe?”
10/12/2011 Research Fellow Gabriel Roth’s testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Highways and Transit declares that a federal “infrastructure bank” would discourage private investment
10/11/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in the New American article “New Study Shows How the Economy Is Really Doing”
10/11/2011 Ivan Eland in “The Never-ending Terror Threat”
10/7/2011 Research Editor Anthony Gregory in The Huffington Post on the abuse of presidential power: “Obama, the Ground-Breaking President?”
10/6/2011 Ivan Eland article “The Government’s Illusory Terrorist Threat”
10/5/2011 Robert Higgs cited by Mark Harrison in the New York Times on “regime uncertainty” in “Why You Want the Rich to Spend”
10/5/2011 Research Fellow Craig Eyermann article “Don’t be charitable about jobs bill” in the Sacramento Bee
10/4/2011 Research Editor Anthony Gregory article for Ludwig Von Mises Institute “Occupy Wall Street: A Story without Heroes”
10/4/2011 Robert Higgs and his book Crisis and Leviathan cited in the Washington Examiner in “Obama’s regulatory explosion subverts liberty”
10/4/2011 The New Holy Wars cited by Lee Lane in The Economist
10/3/2011 Ivan Eland quoted by Reason on his forewarning of Anwar al-Awlaki killing
10/3/2011 Robert Higgs to speak on Depression-era economics at Loyola University on Friday, October 7th
10/3/2011 Art Carden in Forbes on “Real Life Foreign Policy”
10/3/2011 Robert Higgs cited by Mark Perry in The American in “The ‘Jobless Recovery’ Is Really an ‘Investment-less Recovery’”
10/3/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs article in The Moral Liberal “The Great Society’s War on Poverty”
10/1/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs on “The Great Society’s War on Poverty” in The Freeman
9/30/2011 The Independent Institute’s Ivan Eland Forewarned of U.S. Strategy to Kill U.S-Born Anwar al-Awlaki, Dead After CIA-Led Drone Strike
9/29/2011 ALERT: President and Founder David Theroux to appear on Stossel Thursday, September 29th 10 p.m ET
9/29/2011 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland article “A Double Standard for the Ultimate Penalty” regarding the Troy Davis case
9/28/2011 Huffington Post article quotes Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa discussing regulatory issues in the immigration process
9/27/2011 Robert Higgs cited in Freeman article “Macroeconomics Needs SMUT” for his analysis of the recent data released by the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis
9/27/2011 Elizabeth Bernard Higgs in World Magazine on “Forgivesness” on how James Byrd Jr.’s family found peace in forgiveness, not vengeance, toward unrepentant murderer Lawrence Brewster
9/26/2011 ALERT: Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell to be on the Janet Mefferd Show Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 2:15 pm ET
9/23/2011 Research Fellow Art Carden in Forbes on how government labor, price control and other mandates hurt the poor
9/22/2011 Research Fellow Gabriel Roth in the Daily Caller regarding “The president’s road to nowhere”
9/22/2011 ALERT: Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell to be on Fox Business Network’s Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano FRIDAY, September 23th at 8:00 and 11:00 pm ET, 5:00 and 8:00 pm PT

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