Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
9/21/2011 President David J. Theroux article “Founding Fathers’ advice to deficit ‘super committee’: Bring US troops home’’ published in the Christian Science Monitor
9/19/2011 Research Fellow Art Carden article “Employment myths used falsely to keep Wal-Mart in the doghouse” found in the San Francisco Examiner
9/17/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs quoted at American Thinker on federal jobs-killing measures
9/16/2011 Research Fellow Art Carden in Forbes on “Yes, You Can Be Too Careful: Small Steps Toward Better Parenting”
9/15/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited by John Stossel in Fox News for his historical contribution of the “regime uncertainty” theory
9/15/2011 The New Holy Wars reviewed in The Environmental Forum
9/13/2011 Race and Liberty in America cited at The Imaginative Conservative
9/13/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in Wall Street Journal article, “An Economy In Trouble,” by Amity Shlaes
9/12/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in article, “The Military-industrial Complex’s War on Defense Cuts”
9/12/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in article at Hot Air Green Room, “‘Son of Stimulus’ and Regime Uncertainty”
9/12/2011 Research Fellow Emily Skarbek quoted at Government Executive on “The Case Against FEMA”
9/12/2011 Research Fellows Emily and David Skarbek in The Atlantic on “It’s Time to Get Rid of FEMA”
9/12/2011 Pittsburg Tribune Review article “Spent Theory” discusses Senior Fellow Robert Higgs’s regime uncertainty theory
9/11/2011 The New Holy Wars reviewed in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
9/9/2011 The Independent Institute respectfully reflects on the 10-year anniversary of 9/11
9/9/2011 Research Fellow Art Carden in Forbes on “Risk and Reason Ten Years After 9/11”
9/9/2011 Research Editor Anthony Gregory in the Huffington Post on “The Priceless Price of the Post-9/11 Decade”
9/9/2011 Robert Higgs quoted in The Weekly Standard article “The Ultimate Stimulus?”
9/8/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs quotes at Moral Liberal in “Depression, War, and Recovery” by Sheldon Richman
9/8/2011 John Stossel cites Senior Fellow Robert Higgs in the Washington Examiner regarding government expansion during crisis
9/7/2011 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland new commentary “Comparing Obama and Bush on Civil Liberties and War”
9/6/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in the Christian Science Monitor on “Is unemployment an ‘oversight’?”
9/6/2011 The New Holy Wars is reviewed in MercatorNet
9/2/2011 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell article in Investor’s Business Daily “Gov’t Is Job Killer, Not Creator”
9/1/2011 Research Editor Anthony Gregory commentary for the Huffington Post discussing President Obama’s incoherent record on gay rights
9/1/2011 Art Carden’s new column in Forbes “Price Gouging Laws Still Hurt Storm Victims”
8/31/2011 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland commentary “Cut Back on Bad Policy or Quit Altogether?”
8/29/2011 ALERT: Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell to be on Fox Business Network’s Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano TONIGHT, August 29th at 8:00 and 11:00 pm ET, 5:00 and 8:00 pm PT
8/29/2011 ALERT: President David Theroux to be on Stossel Thursday, September 29 at 10pm ET/7pm PT, discussing “What would a libertarian society be like?”
8/25/2011 Research Fellow Jonathan Bean’s article in the Washington Times “You’re not Reagan, you’re Hoover. Obama’s legacy: Bad ideas foolishly executed”
8/25/2011 Art Carden new column in Forbes “The Earthquake Wasn’t Good for the Economy. Hurricane Irene Won’t Be, Either.”
8/24/2011 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland’s new commentary “Triumph in Libya? Not So Fast, NATO” regarding the removal of Gadhafi in Libya

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