Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
2/15/2012 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland Russia Today interview discussing U.S. relationship with China
2/15/2012 Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa in Forbes article “The Grand Myth About Greek Solvency”
2/15/2012 Art Carden in Forbes article “The Best Question I’ve Heard This Week: “What Could You Do For Me?”
2/15/2012 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland “Failure of ‘Pro-Democracy’ Wars” found in Middle East Online
2/13/2012 Research Editor Anthony Gregory in Huffington Post article “Colbert & Stewart Get Last Laughs on Super PAC”
2/10/2012 Senior Fellow Charles V. Peña article “Five Reasons the Defense Budget Won’t Change” in The National Interest
2/10/2012 The New Holy Wars reviewed in Review of Social Economy
2/7/2012 EVENT: Restoring First Principles-The Economy, Bailouts, and the Right to Bear Arms Thursday, February 9, 2012, featuring Vern McKinley, Stephen Halbrook, and Don Boudreaux
2/6/2012 ALERT: Tune into MSNBC TODAY at approx. 4:20 p.m. EST/1:20 p.m. to watch Research Fellow Vern McKinley discuss his book “Financing Failure”
2/4/2012 Senior Fellow William Shughart in Clarion Ledger article “Would tax hike on millionaires help Miss.?”
2/4/2012 Research Fellow Dominick T. Armentano in TC Palm article ‘Fiscal conservatives’ must realize that their support of U.S. military initiatives is hypocrisy
2/3/2012 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland cited in China Daily article “Roundup: 50 years on, more are calling on Washington to end embargo on Cuba”
2/2/2012 Research Fellow Art Carden in Forbes commentary “Should We Regulate Sugar Like Alcohol or Tobacco?”
2/1/2012 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell cited in Banker & Tradesman article “Realtors’ Continuing Ed Requirement Benefits Realtors, Not Consumers”
2/1/2012 “Our Languishing Public Lands: The Economic and Environmental Benefits of Decentralization,” by Robert H. Nelson in Policy Review
2/1/2012 Research Fellow Vern McKinley in The Hill commentary “Financing Fannie and Freddie’s Failures”
2/1/2012 Senior Fellow Robert H. Nelson discusses land ownership in his recent Policy Review article “Our Languishing Public Lands”
1/29/2012 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in Deseret News commentary “U.S. could use other avenues for getting oil from Persian Gulf”
1/28/2012 Research Director Alex Tabarrok cited in the Washington Post, “The government must prioritize innovation”
1/26/2012 Research Director Alex Tabarrok in The Atlantic article “The Innovation Nation vs. the Warfare-Welfare State”
1/26/2012 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland discusses in The Janesville Gazette why there is no reason for the United States to use military force in Iran to keep the Strait of Hormuz open
1/26/2012 Robert Higgs commentary “U.S. Unemployment Woes Persist” featured in Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government
1/25/2012 New commentary from Senior Fellow Ivan Eland “Democratization: Indigenous Beats Imported”
1/24/2012 Research Fellow Art Carden new Forbes article “Have We Won the Future Yet? If Not Now, When? If Not Us, Who?”
1/23/2012 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in New American article “Unemployment Numbers, Regime Uncertainty, and Regulatory Surge”
1/22/2012 Research Fellow Emily Skarbek in The Washington Examiner article “Writing Checks Against the Future”
1/19/2012 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell in The Sacramento Bee article “Spur Redevelopment by Abolishing RDAs”
1/18/2012 Research Fellow Vern McKinley in Washington Times article “Financing failure: The state of bailouts” discussing his new book “Financing Failure”
1/18/2012 New commentary from Senior Fellow Ivan Eland “Cut Carriers Now”
1/17/2012 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in The Washington Times explaining why Iran sanctions won’t work
1/17/2012 Research Fellow William Watkins in The Daily Caller, “Gingrich is Right About Judicial Supremacy”
1/16/2012 Research Fellow Jonathan Bean on Stossel discusses how breaking color barriers was pioneered by business against government restrictions

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