Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
9/16/2014 “An amendment takes Congress back in time” Research Fellow Wendy McElroy Op-Ed in The Hill
9/16/2014 “Get the Federal Government Out of the Road Business Altogether” Research Fellow and Editor of Street Smart: Competition, Entrepreneurship, and the Future of Roads Gabriel Roth appears on The Mike Schikman Show on WSVA radio
9/15/2014 “Is ObamaCare Working?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in
9/15/2014 “Lessons from Eric Garner’s Death and Cigarette Taxes” Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan Op-Ed in The Washington Times
9/15/2014 “Tesla’s removal of patent restrictions a boost for electric cars” Research Fellow William J. Watkins, Jr., author of Patent Trolls cited in The Worcester Business Journal
9/15/2014 “Is The Variation In Health Care Spending Among The States A Myth?” Sr. Fellow and author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
9/14/2014 Stephen P. Halbrook, author of Gun Control in the Third Reich appears on Operation Freedom radio show with Dr. Dave Janda
9/13/2014 Stephen Halbrook, Author of Gun Control in the Third Reich Appears on C-SPAN’s Book TV
9/12/2014 “Stephen P. Halbrook’s, “Are There Lessons for Us Today from Nazi Gun Control?” to be Featured on BookTV” Gun Control in the Third Reich by Stephen P. Halbrook mentioned on NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action
9/12/2014 “Bridge Over Troubled Water?” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The Los Angeles Register
9/11/2014 “How Should We Pay For Health Care: Government Or Markets?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
9/11/2014 “Why Are Doctors So Unhappy?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
9/11/2014 Article “Why celebrity ‘genius’ Peter Thiel is grossly overrated,” by Michael Lind cites The Diversity Myth (Salon)
9/10/2014 “‘Record number of Americans in extreme poverty’: US economist” Research Fellow Mark Thornton interviewed on Press TV
9/10/2014 Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook to speak at 29th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference in Chicago, Sept. 26- 28.
9/9/2014 “Why Locals Should Lead The Fight Against ISIS” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on Huffington Post Live
9/9/2014 “Health Savings Accounts Are For The Poor And The Sick” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
9/9/2014 “Let’s Put Immigration in Its Proper American Context” Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings in
9/9/2014 “Indian Patients Suffer from India’s Weak Pharmaceutical Patents” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham Op-Ed in Forbes
9/8/2014 “Why Did We Celebrate Labor Day?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in
9/8/2014 “Locals Leading the Fight Against the Islamic State Will Be More Effective” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in The Huffington Post
9/8/2014 “Costs of Government Administration of Health Care to Almost Double in Ten Years” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham on
9/8/2014 “Why Do So Many People Have The Wrong Kind Of Health Insurance?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
9/7/2014 Stephen Halbrook, Author of Gun Control in the Third Reich Appears on C-SPAN’s Book TV
9/5/2014 “Tearing Down Today’s Berlin Walls - Sept. 9 Event In San Francisco With Garry Kasparov, John Fund, Tom Palmer, And More” The Independent Institute sponsors San Francisco event.
9/5/2014 “Timing of Ceasefire On Purpose?” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Interviewed on Canada’s CTV News Channel
9/4/2014 “Krugman: Wrong On Healthcare Again” Sr. Fellow and Author of Priceless John C. Goodman Op-Ed in Forbes
9/4/2014 “Peter Thiel disagrees with you” Research Fellow Peter Thiel, co-author of The Diversity Myth cited in Fortune
9/3/2014 “Health Data “Interoperability”: A $30 Billion Unicorn Hunt” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham Op-Ed in Forbes
9/3/2014 “The Doctors Union” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, Author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
9/2/2014 “Education Needs Competition, Not Common Core” Research Fellow Vicki Alger Op-Ed in The San Francisco Chronicle
9/2/2014 “Obamacare is Affecting Everyone” Sr. Fellow and author of Priceless John C. Goodman Op-Ed in

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless