Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
12/8/2013 “Drones and their damage” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on Al Jazeera
12/8/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich by Stephen Halbrook is reviewed in
12/7/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on WYPV-FM’s and WAVC-FM’s The Pastor Gary Biggs radio show
12/6/2013 “How Can Gun Owners Counter Negative Images of Gun Ownership and Everyday Carry” Gun Control in the Third Reich cited in Mississippi Gun News
12/6/2013 Global Crossings By Sr. Fellow Alvaro Llosa is reviewed on
12/5/2013 “Healthcare Contract with America” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham appears on the WTIC Hartford, CT
12/5/2013 “80 Years After Prohibition’s Repeal, President Obama Continues Failed Drug War” Burt Abrams, Author of The Terrible 10 in Forbes
12/5/2013 “Call Hamid Karzai’s Bluff” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in The Huffington Post
12/5/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen Halbrook appears on KZIM Radio Morning Newswatch with Faune Riggin
12/5/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen Halbrook appears on The Larry Elder radio show on KABC Los Angeles
12/5/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen Halbrook appears on KFXR-AM’s The Dan Cofall radio show
12/5/2013 “Iran’s Nuclear Program” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on Liberty Radio Network’s Declare Your Independence show
12/5/2013 “NSA collects 5 billion cell phone records a day, report says” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on CCTV
12/4/2013 “Paul Krugman Wrong Yet Again About Obamacare” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Forbes
12/3/2013 “Lessons from the 1938 Hitler Gun Control Act” Gun Control in the Third Reich is reviewed by
12/3/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen Halbrook appears on The Peter Boyles radio show on KNUS Colorado
12/3/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen Halbrook appears on The Steve Hawkins radio Show on WXBQ
12/3/2013 “Is Poverty Really The Result Of Bad Luck?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, Author of Priceless in Forbes
12/2/2013 “How Nazis Used Gun Control” By Stephen Halbrook, Author of Gun Control in the Third Reich in National Review
12/2/2013 “To Fix Immigration, Improve U.S. Education and Link Visas to Employer Needs” Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell’s Immigration Policy Report cited on Bloomberg Business Week
12/2/2013 “Washington’s Bipartisan Crack-Up Foretells A Turn Toward Economic Freedom” Research Fellow Ed Lopez in Forbes
11/30/2013 “UN Inspectors to Visit Iran’s Nuclear Facilities” Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs cited and quoted in The New American
11/29/2013 “Healthcare Contract with America” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham appears on WFSX Radio’s Daybreak with Drew Steele
11/28/2013 “More Bad News for Gun Grabbers” Research Fellow and author of Gun Control in the Third Reich Stephen Halbrook cited in
11/27/2013 ”JFK’s Real Legacy: Unintended Consequences of Needless Foreign Meddling“ Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland in Media in the Gulf
11/27/2013 “Vargas Llosa Sketches an Optimistic Argument for Immigration” Global Crossings reviewed in Carolina Journal
11/27/2013 “Nuclear Agreement with Iran” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on CCTV
11/27/2013 “Terrorism in Russia” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on Russia Today television
11/25/2013 ”The Real Reason Hawks Are Trying to Kill the Interim Nuclear Agreement with Iran“ Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in Huffington Post
11/25/2013 ”Was Kennedy a Conservative?“ Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman Op-Ed in Texas Insider
11/25/2013 “The Nazis’ Gun Ban Facilitated Kristallnact,” by Research Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of Gun Control in the Third Reich (History News Network)
11/25/2013 “Healthcare Contract with America” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham appears on KRDO Radio’s Morning News

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